Criminal law's core principles

PH Robinson - Wash. U. Jurisprudence Rev., 2021 - HeinOnline
Modern criminal law scholars and policymakers assume they are free to construct criminal
law rules by focusing exclusively on the criminal justice theory of the day. But this" blank …

Understanding waiver

JW Berg - Hous. L. Rev., 2003 - HeinOnline
Waive (vb.):[T] o abandon, renounce, or surrender (a claim, privilege, right, etc.); to give up
(a right or claim) voluntarily. 1 Can a defendant waive his right to appeal a death sentence …

Collective intentions and collective intentionality

LA Zaibert - American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 2003 - Wiley Online Library
John Searle believes that collective intentions are crucial to his philosophy, but he is yet to
present a coherent account of these entities. No account whatsoever of collective intentions …

Genetics and responsibility: To know the criminal from the crime

NA Farahany, JE Coleman Jr - Law & Contemp. Probs., 2006 - HeinOnline
I understand by responsibility nothing more than actual liability to legal punishment. It is
common to discuss this subject as if the law itself depended upon the result of discussions …

[图书][B] The impact of behavioral sciences on criminal law

N Farahany - 2009 -
New discoveries from neuroscience and behavioral genetics are besieging criminal law.
Novel scientific perspectives on criminal behavior could transform the criminal justice system …

Virtue and criminal negligence

K Huigens - Buff. Crim. L. Rev., 1997 - HeinOnline
Criminal negligence has been seen as a unique and problematic ground for punishment. 1
The Model Penal Code includes criminal negligence among its four" Kinds of Culpability,* 2 …

Convergence of civil law and common law in the criminal theory realm

J Hermida - U. Miami Int'l & Comp. L. Rev., 2005 - HeinOnline
The theory and practice of criminal law in common law and civil law jurisdictions have been
traditionally viewed by scholars as distinctive and fairly diverse. 1 Each belongs to a tradition …

Intentional activity and free will as core concepts in criminal law and psychology

P Bertelsen - Theory & Psychology, 2012 -
Whether or not intentional actions initiated and formed by free will exist, it can be shown that
lack of belief in such behavior makes people behave less ethically and less law-abidingly …

[图书][B] A collective theory of genocidal intent

S Kim - 2016 - Springer
This book stems from my doctoral research at Georgetown University Law Center. I deeply
thank my dissertation committee members: Pros. David Luban, Julie O'Sullivan, and Neha …

Philosophical Analysis and the Criminal Law

LA Zaibert - Buff. Crim. L. Rev., 2000 - HeinOnline
The Model Penal Code is ripe for a fundamental reconsideration. Drafted in the 1950s, the
Model Code today no longer serves as a model for American penal legislation. Since its …