Tactile sensors for friction estimation and incipient slip detection—Toward dexterous robotic manipulation: A review
Humans can handle and manipulate objects with ease; however, human dexterity has yet to
be matched by artificial systems. Receptors in our fingers and hands provide essential tactile …
be matched by artificial systems. Receptors in our fingers and hands provide essential tactile …
PapillArray: An incipient slip sensor for dexterous robotic or prosthetic manipulation–design and prototype validation
The major failing of robotic and prosthetic grippers in mimicking the dexterity of the human
hand is thought to be a lack of adequate tactile sensing which provides feedback for grip …
hand is thought to be a lack of adequate tactile sensing which provides feedback for grip …
A tactile sensor for simultaneous measurements of 6-axis force/torque and the coefficient of static friction
T Okatani, I Shimoyama - Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2020 - Elsevier
We propose a new design for a tactile sensor that simultaneously measures 6-axis
force/torque and the coefficient of static friction, which will enable robotic fingers to handle a …
force/torque and the coefficient of static friction, which will enable robotic fingers to handle a …
[PDF][PDF] Fingerpad mechanics and grip force adaptation to friction during object manipulation
F Schiltz - 2022 - dial.uclouvain.be
34| Chapter 2. Fingerpad deformations during object manipulation device in detail and test it
to precisely describe how the fingertip skin in contact with the object deforms during a simple …
to precisely describe how the fingertip skin in contact with the object deforms during a simple …
[PDF][PDF] Robotic Touch for Contact Perception: Contributions to Sensor Design, Manufacturing and Signal Processing
X Lin - 2020 - theses.fr
Résumé La perception tactile sous-tend l'impressionnante dextérité observée chez les
humains mais également chez leurs homologues robotiques. Malgré leurs débuts dans les …
humains mais également chez leurs homologues robotiques. Malgré leurs débuts dans les …
[PDF][PDF] Tactile Sensors for Friction Estimation and Incipient Slip Detection-Toward Dexterous Robotic
W Chen, H Khamis, I Birznieks… - Chen, Wei, Heba …, 2018 - researchrepository.ucd.ie
Humans can handle and manipulate objects with ease; however, human dexterity has yet to
be matched by artificial systems. Receptors in our fingers and hands provide essential tactile …
be matched by artificial systems. Receptors in our fingers and hands provide essential tactile …
[PDF][PDF] Development of a friction sensor for robotic manipulation
W Chen - 2018 - unsworks.unsw.edu.au
Most of existing robotic and prosthetic grippers lack adequate tactile sensing, which
provides feedback for grip control. The majority of existing tactile sensors focus on …
provides feedback for grip control. The majority of existing tactile sensors focus on …
Force-controlled robotic gripping using real-time friction, force, and torque feedback
H Wen - 2018 - unsworks.unsw.edu.au
As robotic applications move towards unstructured environments, there is a need for
grippers that can manipulate objects securely (preventing slip) and efficiently (applying …
grippers that can manipulate objects securely (preventing slip) and efficiently (applying …