[图书][B] The crises of multiculturalism: Racism in a neoliberal age

A Lentin, G Titley - 2011 - books.google.com
Across the West, something called multiculturalism is in crisis. Regarded as the failed
experiment of liberal elites, commentators and politicians compete to denounce its corrosive …

[图书][B] Neoliberalism, media and the political

S Phelan - 2014 - Springer
Neoliberalism, Media and the Political examines the condition of media and journalism in
neoliberal cultures. Emphasizing neoliberalism's status as a political ideology that is …

Management and gender in higher education

P O'Connor - Management and gender in higher education, 2015 - manchesterhive.com
This book is concerned with higher education, and particularly with the gendered world of
senior management in public universities. Higher education in general and universities in …

The role of the media in sustaining Ireland's housing bubble

J Mercille - New Political Economy, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
This paper examines Irish mainstream media coverage of the housing bubble that burst in
2007 and plunged Ireland into economic and financial crisis. It is shown that news …

[图书][B] Irish Feminist Futures

C Bracken - 2016 - taylorfrancis.com
This book is about the future: Ireland's future and feminism's future, approached from a
moment that has recently passed. The Celtic Tiger (circa 1995-2008) was a time of …

Pluralismo informativo y burocratización del trabajo periodístico en dos contextos de prensa diaria

H Stange Marcus, C Salinas Muñoz… - 2018 - … .consejodecomunicacion.gob.ec
El artículo tiene por objetivo caracterizar las rutinas profesionales de los periodistas de la
prensa diaria en Chile, en dos contextos diferentes (prensa de circulación nacional y prensa …

Ernesto Laclau and critical media studies: Marxism, capitalism, and critique

J Schou - tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. Open …, 2016 - triple-c.at
Abstract Ernesto Laclau's post-Marxist discourse theory is increasingly utilised within media
studies in order to investigate discourses circulating about, within, and through media …

Normal People (2020) and the New Post-Celtic Irish Man

A Bollas - Journal of Popular Film and Television, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
ABSTRACT TV mini-series and international hit Normal People (2020) introduced the
character of Connell Waldron to the world. Connell's character was not only well-received …

Displacing the Nation: Performance, Style and Sex in Eimear McBride's The Lesser Bohemians

GA Smyth - Studi Irlandesi: a Journal of Irish Studies, 2019 - researchonline.ljmu.ac.uk
Eimear McBride's second novel revisits many of the stylistic practices and conceptual
themes which made A Girl is a Half-formed Thing such an important intervention within post …

The Framing of Affordability within Ireland's Housing Discourse: Analysis of the Negotiated Process of Narrative Struggles within the Framing of Affordability within …

N Dunne - 2023 - diva-portal.org
Summary After the 2008 Global Financial Crash, Ireland's neoliberal housing policy turned
again to housing financialisation as focus lay upon the attraction of corporate investors in …