Time domain boundary element formulation for partially saturated poroelasticity
Based on the Mixture theory and the principles of continuum mechanics, a dynamic three-
phase model for partially saturated poroelasticity is established as well as the corresponding …
phase model for partially saturated poroelasticity is established as well as the corresponding …
Моделирование динамики частично насыщенных пороупругих тел на основе метода гранично-временных элементов
ЛА Игумнов, АН Петров - Вестник Пермского национального …, 2016 - cyberleninka.ru
Дано описание математической модели частично насыщенной пористой среды,
основанной на модели Био, с пятью базовыми функциями описания волнового …
основанной на модели Био, с пятью базовыми функциями описания волнового …
Feasible fundamental solution of the multiphysics wave equation in inhomogeneous domains of complex shape
AM Aizenberg, AA Ayzenberg - Wave Motion, 2015 - Elsevier
Fundamental solutions of the linear equations governing mechanical and electromagnetic
oscillations are kinematically represented by delay time along ray trajectories. The …
oscillations are kinematically represented by delay time along ray trajectories. The …
Dynamics of partially saturated poroelastic solids by boundary-element method
LA Igumnov, AN Petrov - PNRPU Mechanics Bulletin, 2016 - ered.pstu.ru
The paper describes the mathematical model for partially saturated porous media based on
the Biot's model with five basic functions to characterize wave process. The mathematical …
the Biot's model with five basic functions to characterize wave process. The mathematical …
[PDF][PDF] Numerically-analytically studying fundamental solutions of 3-D dynamics of partially saturated poroelastic bodies
LA Igumnov, AN Petrov, AA Belov, AA Mironov… - Materials Physics and …, 2019 - ipme.ru
A mathematical model of a porous material is considered, in which an elastic skeleton and
two fluid phases filling the pores are discerned. The dynamic equations are written in …
two fluid phases filling the pores are discerned. The dynamic equations are written in …
Шаговый анализ влияния коэффициента насыщенности на динамические поровые отклики
АА Белов, ЛА Игумнов, АН Петров - Проблемы прочности и …, 2017 - ppp.mech.unn.ru
Аннотация Рассмотрена трехфазная математическая модель частично насыщенной
пористой среды, основанной на модели Био, с пятью базовыми функциями описания …
пористой среды, основанной на модели Био, с пятью базовыми функциями описания …
ЛА Игумнов - diss.unn.ru
Актуальность. Пористые материалы широко распространены в природе и технике.
Применение пористых материалов в технике позволяет снизить массу и …
Применение пористых материалов в технике позволяет снизить массу и …
[PDF][PDF] Numerical solution of the problem of porous solids vibration
ІD Kara - Опір матеріалів і теорія споруд, 2017 - irbis-nbuv.gov.ua
In this paper vibration of fluid-saturated porous solids under the equal distribution load is
studied using two different approaches. One of them is analytical way. Biot's equations in …
studied using two different approaches. One of them is analytical way. Biot's equations in …
Peculiarities of wave propagation processes in poroelastic media
I Kara - Strength of Materials and Theory of Structures, 2020 - omtc.knuba.edu.ua
During analyzing of wave propagation processes in the fluid-saturated porous media unlike
the theory of elasticity should be applied proposed by Biot the two phase model of media in …
the theory of elasticity should be applied proposed by Biot the two phase model of media in …
A Petrov, S Litvinchuk, A Belov, I Vorobtsov - paginas.fe.up.pt
The results of numerical modeling of wave propagation in unsaturated porous medias are
presented in this paper. The extended Biot's model for a three-phase porous medium is …
presented in this paper. The extended Biot's model for a three-phase porous medium is …