Poisonous Pantheons: God of War and Toxic Masculinity

S Conway - Games and Culture, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
Kratos, protagonist of God of War (2005–current), is an archetypal representation of toxic
masculinity. For much of the series, his rage drives much of the narrative and game …

The evolution of playfulness, play and play-like phenomena in relation to sexual selection

YL Moraes, JV Valentova, MAC Varella - Frontiers in Psychology, 2022 - frontiersin.org
By conceptualizing Sexual Selection, Darwin showed a way to analyze intra-specific
individual differences within an evolutionary perspective. Interestingly, Sexual Selection is …

Violent Games

G Schott - 2016 - torrossa.com
Names: Schott, Gareth, author. Title: Violent games: rules, realism and effect/Gareth Schott.
Description: New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2016.| Series: Approaches to digital game …

[图书][B] Playing with the guys: Masculinity and relationships in video games

MA Ouellette - 2021 - books.google.com
A lot of work has been done talking about what masculinity is and what it does within video
games, but less has been given to considering how and why this happens, and the …

A Beautiful Game: Interpreting Football Videogame Experiences

L Kim, TC Tan, A Bairner - Leisure Sciences, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
The purpose of this study is to explore football videogame playing experiences using a
videogame esthetic that draws upon the MDA (mechanics–dynamics–esthetics) framework …

Self-reflection and morality in critical games. Who is to be blamed for war?

E Toma - Journal of Comparative Research in Anthropology and …, 2015 - ceeol.com
'This war of mine'is a critical game depicting the war experience from a civilian's perspective.
As a game, it relies on its interactivity in order to offer the player an immersive experience …

We used to win, we used to lose, we used to play: Simulacra, hypo-ludicity and the lost art of losing

S Conway - Westminster Papers in Communication and …, 2017 - westminsterpapers.org
This article is concerned with the modern design of digital games, in particular their
formulation as experiences for consumers rather than players. Utilizing Baudrillard's concept …

Carnival mirrors: Sport and digital games

S Conway, M Finn - Digital Media Sport, 2013 - api.taylorfrancis.com
This chapter explores how US sports fans use social networking sites to protect their
individual and collective identities when they are under threat. When sports teams announce …

Rhetorics, simulations and games: The ludic and satirical discourse of molleindustria

G Ferri - International Journal of Gaming and Computer …, 2013 - igi-global.com
Abstract Oiligarchy (Pedercini (Molleindustria), 2008) and Phone Story (Pedercini
(Molleindustria) & Yes Lab, 2011) are two apparently simple games that integrate game …

Playing it cool: Considering McLuhan's hot and cool taxonomy for Game Studies

S Conway, M Ouellette - Convergence, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
While Marshall McLuhan is often acknowledged as an influential theorist for Game Studies,
there is very little work currently available that directly attempts to apply McLuhan's …