Technological progress, the supply of hours worked, and the consumption-leisure complementarity

A Irmen - 2018 -
At least since 1870 hours worked per worker declined and real wages increased in many of
today's industrialized countries. The dual nature of technological progress in conjunction …

Optimal Saving and Work Hours in the Heterogeneous Agent Neoclassical Growth Model

A Shanker - Available at SSRN 3274102, 2018 -
This paper introduces work-leisure choice into a constrained optimal policy problem in a
neoclassical growth model with idiosyncratic risk and incomplete markets. The constrained …

Play for the Rich and Work for the Poor? The Optimal Distribution of Saving and Work in the Heterogeneous Agents Neoclassical Growth Model

M Wolf, A Shanker - 2021 -
In an economy with un-insurable idiosyncratic labor income risk, how should saving and
work hours be distributed across income and wealth? To answer this question, we study a …

[PDF][PDF] Papers in Modern Economic Growth Theory

A Shanker - 2018 -
This thesis seeks to develop our understanding of two emerging themes in economic growth
theory: constrained optima in heterogeneous agent economies with non-trivial wealth …