The unicore rich client: Facilitating the automated execution of scientific workflows

B Demuth, B Schuller, S Holl… - 2010 IEEE Sixth …, 2010 -
Today, many scientific disciplines heavily rely on computer systems for in-silico
experimentation or data management and analysis. The employed computer hard-and …

Survey and analysis of production distributed computing infrastructures

DS Katz, S Jha, M Parashar, O Rana… - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2012 -
This report has two objectives. First, we describe a set of the production distributed
infrastructures currently available, so that the reader has a basic understanding of them. This …

High-performance computing: to boldly go where no human has gone before

S Limet, WW Smari, L Spalazzi - Concurrency and Computation …, 2015 -
Computing and computational science are well on their way to enter into the exascale era
while High Performance Computing (HPC) is now present in many spheres and domains of …

A UNICORE Plugin for HPC-enabled scientific workflows in Taverna 2.2

S Holl, O Zimmermann… - 2011 IEEE World …, 2011 -
As scientific workflows are becoming more complex and apply compute-intensive methods
to increasingly large data volumes, access to HPC resources is becoming mandatory. We …

Lessons learned from jointly using HTC-and HPC-driven e-science infrastructures in Fusion Science

MS Memon, M Riedel, AS Memon… - … on Information and …, 2010 -
The interoperability of e-Science infrastructures like DEISA/PRACE and EGEE/EGI is an
increasing demand for a wide variety of cross-Grid applications, but interoperability based …

[图书][B] Automated Optimization Methods for Scientific Workflows in e-Science Infrastructures

S Holl - 2014 -
Scientific workflows have emerged as a key technology that assists scientists with the
design, management, execution, sharing and reuse of in silico experiments. Workflow …

A Flexible, Application-and Platform-Independent Environment for Benchmarking

W Frings, A Schnurpfeil, S Meier… - … From Multicores and …, 2010 -
This paper introduces the new benchmarking environment JuBE. It is a stand-alone
framework independent of the underlying benchmark applications and supports all steps of …

Proxy cryptography for secure inter-domain information exchanges

S Peng, Z Han - 11th Pacific Rim International Symposium on …, 2005 -
In today's interconnected world, the need to access to services across domains is
increasing. How to make inter-domain data exchanges secure is what we concerned …

Porting hpc applications to grids and clouds

W Gentzsch - Cloud, Grid and High Performance Computing …, 2011 -
A Grid enables remote, secure access to a set of distributed, networked computing and data
resources. Clouds are a natural complement to Grids towards the provisioning of IT as a …

[PDF][PDF] Massively Self-Scalable Platform for Data Farming

D Król - 2013 -
In many disciplines of modern science new discoveries can be made by sifting through large
quantities of data. Big data is generated, collected and analyzed in both physical and virtual …