Intellectual capital: A determinant of firms' operational efficiency

K Gupta, TV Raman - South Asian Journal of Business Studies, 2021 -
Purpose Intellectual capital (IC) has been recognized in improving the efficiency of
businesses and gaining competitive edge in the developed world. The present study offers …

Az intellektuális tőke hatékonysága, mint meghatározó innovációs tényező

BB Mártha, V Lakatos, G Tömöri - International Journal of …, 2020 -
Napjaink világgazdaságában erőteljes elmozdulás érzékelhető a termelő vállalatok felől a
szolgáltatások irányába, amely mind a gazdaságpolitikai döntéshozókat, mind az üzleti …

[图书][B] Assessing knowledge management values by using intellectual capital to measure organizational performance

TL Nguyen - 2016 -
Measuring knowledge management performance was one of, if not the most challenging
knowledge management activities. This study suggested using intellectual capital as a proxy …

Analisis Pengaruh Karakteristik Dewan Perusahaan terhadap Modal Intelektual pada Perusahaan Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia

R Krisyadi, L Laurence - Global Financial Accounting Journal, 2021 -
Intellectual capital is an intangible resource that owned by a company which can encourage
the company to increase its competitiveness through the creation of value added. This study …

Entellektüel sermayenin finans sektöründe değer yaratmadaki rolü: Türk bankacılık sektöründe bir araştırma

N Ekim - 2017 -
Özet Firmalarda rekabetçi başarı, fiziksel ve finansal kaynaklardan ziyade, entellektüel
sermayenin stratejik yönetimine dayanmaktadır. Entellektüel sermaye, soyut, ölçülmesi zor …

Does Human Capital impact Financial Performance of Construction Firms in Ghana?

R Isa, DK Isa, JNB Danquah - African Journal of Accounting, Banking …, 2024 -
The study assesses the impact of human capital on the financial performance of construction
firms in Ghana. The study uses the quantitative survey design. The population involves 200 …


DN Taristy, U Hartono - Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen, 2021 -
Financial performance is an assessment of the company from achieving predetermined
targets. The aim of this research is the influence of leverage, firm size, capital structure …

The Efficiency of Intellectual Capital as a Crucial Factor of Innovation

B Béresné Mártha, V Lakatos, G Tömöri -
In today's global economy, there is a substantial shift from manufacturing to services, which
challenges both economic policymakers, business stakeholders, owners, suppliers …

Analisis Pengaruh Karakteristik Dewan Perusahaan terhadap Modal Intelektual pada Perusahaan yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia

R Krisyadi, L Laurence - CoMBInES-Conference on Management …, 2021 -
Modal intelektual merupakan sumber daya tidak berwujud yang dapat meningkatkan daya
saing perusahaan melalui penciptaan nilai tambah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji …

Effects of intellectual capital and corporate governance on performance of Islamic financial institutions

T Nawaz - 2015 -
In recent years, the knowledge management literature has exhibited relatively few new
empirical contributions, in contrast to the flurry of such work in the ethical financial sector …