Enhanced neural gas network for prototype-based clustering

AK Qin, PN Suganthan - Pattern recognition, 2005 - Elsevier
In practical cluster analysis tasks, an efficient clustering algorithm should be less sensitive to
parameter configurations and tolerate the existence of outliers. Based on the neural gas …

Single-trial variability in early visual neuromagnetic responses: an explorative study based on the regional activation contributing to the N70m peak

NA Laskaris, LC Liu, AA Ioannides - Neuroimage, 2003 - Elsevier
Cortical activity evoked by repeated identical sensory stimulation is extremely variable. The
source of this variability is often assigned to “random ongoing background activity” which is …

A self-organizing CMAC network with gray credit assignment

MF Yeh, KC Chang - IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and …, 2006 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper attempts to incorporate the structure of the cerebellar-model-articulation-
controller (CMAC) network into the Kohonen layer of the self-organizing map (SOM) to …

A novel training scheme for neural-network-based vector quantizers and its application in image compression

NA Laskaris, S Fotopoulos - Neurocomputing, 2004 - Elsevier
A “roulette-wheel” routine (Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization and Machine
Learning, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1989) for random sampling is adopted as a means …

On pattern recognition dependency of desorption heat, activation energy, and temperature of polymer-based VOC sensors for the electronic NOSE

GN Tchoupo, A Guiseppi-Elie - Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2005 - Elsevier
Design of polymer-based, chemo-responsive chemical sensors for a given set of target
vapors is a challenging task, as the detailed mechanism of the sensing phenomena is still …

A robust neural gas algorithm for clustering analysis

AK Qin, PN Suganthan - International Conference on Intelligent …, 2004 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this paper, we present a novel robust neural gas (RNG) algorithm. While retaining the
essence of the original neural gas (NG) algorithm, the RNG algorithm effectively tackles the …

Boosting the HONG network

AS Atukorale, T Downs, PN Suganthan - Neurocomputing, 2003 - Elsevier
This paper gives a brief description of a hierarchical architecture (HONG) that has been
described in Atukorale and Suganthan (Neurocomputing 35 (2000) 165). The learning …

A hybrid self-organizing neural gas based network

J Graham, JA Starzyk - 2008 IEEE International Joint …, 2008 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper examines the neural gas networks proposed by Martinetz and Schulten and
Fritzke in an effort to create a more biologically plausible hybrid version. The hybrid …

[PDF][PDF] Generating Normally Distributed Clusters by Means of a Self-organizing Growing Neural Network–An Application to Market Segmentation–

R Decker, C Holsing, S Lerke - International Journal of Computer Science, 2006 - Citeseer
This paper presents a new growing neural network for cluster analysis and market
segmentation, which optimizes the size and structure of clusters by iteratively checking them …

A Study on Behaviour of Neural Gas on Images and Artificial Neural Network in Healthcare

R Sahu, A Mishra, G Suseendran - Soft Computing Applications …, 2020 - taylorfrancis.com
Neural gas is basically an artificial neural network, motivated through a self-organising map.
The neural gas approach has been successfully applied to clustering, image processing and …