NDVI dynamics as reflected in climatic variables: spatial and temporal trends–a case study of Hungary
Understanding climate change and revealing its future paths on a local level is a great
challenge for the future. Beside the expanding sets of available climatic data, satellite …
challenge for the future. Beside the expanding sets of available climatic data, satellite …
Precipitation variability and probabilities of extreme events in the eastern Mediterranean region (Latakia governorate-Syria as a case study)
AHY Abu Hammad, AAM Salameh, RQ Fallah - Atmosphere, 2022 - mdpi.com
This study aimed at analysis of the general-index change for the mean annual and seasonal
precipitation in six stations in Latakia Governorate (Syria). The data of precipitation were …
precipitation in six stations in Latakia Governorate (Syria). The data of precipitation were …
Investigation of the extreme wet–cold compound events changes between 2025–2049 and 1980–2004 using regional simulations in Greece
I Markantonis, D Vlachogiannis, A Sfetsos… - Earth System …, 2022 - esd.copernicus.org
This paper aims to study wet–cold compound events (WCCEs) in Greece for the wet and
cold season November–April since these events may affect directly human activities for short …
cold season November–April since these events may affect directly human activities for short …
Assessment of agrometeorological indices over Southeast Europe in the context of climate change (1961-2018)
H Chervenkov, K Slavov - IDŐJÁRÁS/QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF …, 2021 - real.mtak.hu
The regional response over Southeast (SE) Europe to the climate warming in global and
continental scales has been confirmed to have essential impact on the agriculture and …
continental scales has been confirmed to have essential impact on the agriculture and …
[PDF][PDF] Regional change of climate extremes over Hungary based on different regional climate models of the PRUDENCE project
G Szépszó - Időjárás, 2008 - met.hu
On the basis of different regional climate model (RCM) outputs of the PRUDENCE project,
several precipitation-, temperature-, and wind-related extreme parameters were investigated …
several precipitation-, temperature-, and wind-related extreme parameters were investigated …
[PDF][PDF] Degree-Day Climatology over Central and Southeast Europe for the Period 1961-2018–Evaluation in High Resolution
The ongoing climate change over Central and Southeast Europe has a great potential to
affect significantly the public energy demands and in particular the energy consumption in …
affect significantly the public energy demands and in particular the energy consumption in …
A vízpótlás talajvízszintre gyakorolt hatásának értékelése egy délnyugat-magyarországi példán keresztül
Az Európát is érintő jelenlegi, napjainkban zajló éghajlatváltozás statisztikailag szignifikáns
felmelegedési tendenciával jellemezhető. Az éghajlatváltozás hatása a csapadékviszonyok …
felmelegedési tendenciával jellemezhető. Az éghajlatváltozás hatása a csapadékviszonyok …
[PDF][PDF] Climate change in Hungarian rural society: Assessment of adaptive capacity
J Pappné Vancsó, M Hoschek… - ACTA SILVATICA ET …, 2016 - archive.sciendo.com
Beside sustainable development, vulnerability might be the most frequently used expression
in environmental studies. Vulnerability depends on the intensity of the impacts on a natural …
in environmental studies. Vulnerability depends on the intensity of the impacts on a natural …
[PDF][PDF] Changes of the rainfalls rates in Tartous using Gamble's distribution
K Haleme, RQ Fallah - Journal of Geography and Geology, 2015 - researchgate.net
This research aims to analyze the slope of the general line rates of the annual and quarterly
rainfalls in some stations in Tartous, during the period 1970–2010 in order to determine the …
rainfalls in some stations in Tartous, during the period 1970–2010 in order to determine the …
Környezeti tényezők és antropogén tevékenység hatása a felszíni vizek vízminőségre
JT Kundrát - 2018 - search.proquest.com
Vizsgálataink célja a rövid távú időjárási paraméterek (csapadékmennyiség,
hőmérsékletváltozás) Rakamaz térségi holtmedrek vízminőségére gyakorolt hatásának …
hőmérsékletváltozás) Rakamaz térségi holtmedrek vízminőségére gyakorolt hatásának …