Konseling online sebagai salah satu bentuk pelayanan e-konseling
The development of technology has changed the lives of the world as well as counseling.
Counseling is not only face to face (FTF) in a confined space, but it can be done through …
Counseling is not only face to face (FTF) in a confined space, but it can be done through …
[PDF][PDF] Ethics and legal issues in online counseling services: Counseling principles analysis
Challenges of living and dynamics modern society has spawned complex problems
experienced by individuals. Counseling process with a variety formats attempt to develop …
experienced by individuals. Counseling process with a variety formats attempt to develop …
Profesionalitas konselor selama pandemi Covid-19
NA Kurniawan - Prosiding Seminar Bimbingan Dan Konseling, 2020 - conference.um.ac.id
Pandemi Covid-19 berdampak signifikan terhadap pemberian layanan bimbingan dan
konseling bagi siswa di sekolah. Beragam strategi dan teknik dilakukan supaya layanan …
konseling bagi siswa di sekolah. Beragam strategi dan teknik dilakukan supaya layanan …
[PDF][PDF] The compatibility student choice of university majoring; A preliminary studies
D Daharnis, Z Ardi - GUIDENA: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, Psikologi …, 2016 - academia.edu
The continuous improvements in order to optimize the basic education to higher education
are still running. Based on that purpose, there are many factors to supporting the students' …
are still running. Based on that purpose, there are many factors to supporting the students' …
Konseling online sebagai upaya menangani masalah perundungan di kalangan anak muda
AI Mansyur, A Badrujaman, R Imawati… - Jurnal Pendidikan …, 2020 - journals.ums.ac.id
The presence of technology is changing the way people to get information and
communication. In the field of counseling, information technology offers some of the latest …
communication. In the field of counseling, information technology offers some of the latest …
Motif Siswa memiliki Smartphone dan Penggunaannya
In July 2012, it's registered that 58% of 47 million people who have smartphone in
Indonesian is dominated by teenager aged 14 until 17 years (result of research by Nielsen) …
Indonesian is dominated by teenager aged 14 until 17 years (result of research by Nielsen) …
Inovasi program layanan BK berbasis digital pada masa pandemi covid-19
Pandemi Covid-19 memaksa siapapun untuk beradaptasi dengan suasana baru semenjak
melanda dunia. Sektor pendidikan yang selalu indentik dengan kegiatan tatap muka …
melanda dunia. Sektor pendidikan yang selalu indentik dengan kegiatan tatap muka …
The contribution of assertive technique behavioral counseling to minimize the juvenile delinquency behavior
Z Ardi, M Sisin - Jurnal Konseling dan Pendidikan, 2018 - jurnal.konselingindonesia.com
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of behavioral counseling using
assertive technique to minimize the juvenile delinquency of students. This research is an …
assertive technique to minimize the juvenile delinquency of students. This research is an …
[PDF][PDF] The analysis of education principle implementation in an online counseling approach: a preliminary study based on analysis from a Rasch modeling …
Z Ardi - Journal of Counseling and Education, 2019 - core.ac.uk
Education as part of universal human activities can occur in any form and situation, where it
is seen through the learning process. The counseling process which is an integral part of …
is seen through the learning process. The counseling process which is an integral part of …
Peluang dan tantangan layanan bimbingan dan konseling di era disrupsi
E Kusumawati - … Indonesian Journal Of Guidance and Counseling, 2020 - ejournal.utp.ac.id
Era disrupsi adalah era dimana perubahan besar terjadi dalam kehidupan manusia.
Perubahan tersebut terjadi lantaran terjadinya perubahan dan sumber energi yang berasal …
Perubahan tersebut terjadi lantaran terjadinya perubahan dan sumber energi yang berasal …