Coping and life satisfaction: Mediating role of ego-resiliency in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
M Ziarko, E Mojs, D Sikorska… - Medical Principles and …, 2020 -
Objective: Ego-resiliency is attributed the status of a “meta resource” that is responsible for a
flexible selection of coping strategies depending on the requirements of a specific difficult …
flexible selection of coping strategies depending on the requirements of a specific difficult …
Exploring the mediating effects of negative and positive religious coping between resilience and mental well-being
Background: The purpose of the study was to examine more thoroughly the relationship
between trait resilience and mental well-being. Although research demonstrates that this …
between trait resilience and mental well-being. Although research demonstrates that this …
How to measure ego-resiliency in the face of various life-changing crises: Measurement invariance, convergent and discriminant validity and reliability of the Polish …
This study examines the generalizability of the latent structure of the Polish version of the
Ego-Resiliency Scale (ER89-R12), a brief self-report scale that measures ego-resiliency. We …
Ego-Resiliency Scale (ER89-R12), a brief self-report scale that measures ego-resiliency. We …
Risky behaviour among nurses in Poland: An analysis of nurses' physical condition, mental health, and resilience
L Gieniusz-Wojczyk, J Dąbek, H Kulik - International Journal of …, 2021 -
Background: Nursing is a profession where staff are exposed to chronic stress. Mental
resilience plays a significant role in the process of coping with these challenges. The aim of …
resilience plays a significant role in the process of coping with these challenges. The aim of …
[PDF][PDF] Wykorzystanie koncepcji resilience w profilaktyce niedostosowania społecznego i resocjalizacji
I Mudrecka - Resocjalizacja Polska, 2013 -
Koncepcja resilience wpisuje się w coraz intensywniej rozwijający się nurt w naukach
społecznych zakładający, że tradycyjne skoncentrowanie się badaczy na patologii powinno …
społecznych zakładający, że tradycyjne skoncentrowanie się badaczy na patologii powinno …
[PDF][PDF] Ego-resiliency jako zasób osobisty–narzędzie pomiaru i jego wykorzystanie w badaniach interdyscyplinarnych
A Kołodziej-Zaleska… - Czasopismo …, 2018 -
The Ego Resiliency Scale ER89 is a well-known instrument to evaluate ego-resiliency. The
authors of the original version of ER89 scale (Block and Kremen, 1996) claimed its …
authors of the original version of ER89 scale (Block and Kremen, 1996) claimed its …
Kształtowanie się i rozwój odporności psychicznej
M Ryś, E Trzęsowska-Greszta - Kwartalnik Naukowy Fides et …, 2018 -
Mental immunity determines many human attitudes and behaviors. Important intentions and
goals may not be realized, not because of lack of willpower or lack of effort, but by lack of …
goals may not be realized, not because of lack of willpower or lack of effort, but by lack of …
[图书][B] Odporność psychiczna dzieci alkoholików
I Grzegorzewska - 2013 -
Dzieci z rodzin z problemem alkoholowym stanowią grupę wysokiego ryzyka dotyczącego
zaburzeń zdrowia psychicznego. Ostatnie szacunki wskazują, że w Polsce około 1, 5 mln …
zaburzeń zdrowia psychicznego. Ostatnie szacunki wskazują, że w Polsce około 1, 5 mln …
[PDF][PDF] The relationships between perceived stress and psychological well-being among mothers and fathers of children with Down syndrome
A Kózka, H Przybyła-Basista - The New Educational Review, 2016 -
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between perceived stress and
psychological well-being among parents of children with down syndrome. The relationship …
psychological well-being among parents of children with down syndrome. The relationship …
Sprężystość psychiczna a dobrostan w chorobie przewlekłej–mediująca rola podmiotowego umocnienia i radzenia sobie
H Sęk, ŁD Kaczmarek, M Ziarko… - Polskie Forum …, 2012 -
Maintaining high levels of well-being in the face of a chronic disease requires utilization of
many psychosocial resources in the coping process. The efficacy of this process depends on …
many psychosocial resources in the coping process. The efficacy of this process depends on …