GParareal: a time-parallel ODE solver using Gaussian process emulation

K Pentland, M Tamborrino, TJ Sullivan… - Statistics and …, 2023 - Springer
Sequential numerical methods for integrating initial value problems (IVPs) can be
prohibitively expensive when high numerical accuracy is required over the entire interval of …

Stochastic parareal: An application of probabilistic methods to time-parallelization

K Pentland, M Tamborrino, D Samaddar… - SIAM Journal on Scientific …, 2022 - SIAM
Parareal is a well-studied algorithm for numerically integrating systems of time-dependent
differential equations by parallelizing the temporal domain. Given approximate initial values …

Mechanisms for the convergence of time-parallelized, parareal turbulent plasma simulations

JM Reynolds-Barredo, DE Newman, R Sánchez… - Journal of …, 2012 - Elsevier
Parareal is a recent algorithm able to parallelize the time dimension in spite of its sequential
nature. It has been applied to several linear and nonlinear problems and, very recently, to a …

Algorithm 997: pySDC—prototyping spectral deferred corrections

R Speck - ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS), 2019 -
In this article, we present the Python framework pySDC for solving collocation problems with
spectral deferred correction (SDC) methods and their time-parallel variant PFASST, the …

Application of the parareal algorithm to simulations of ELMs in ITER plasma

D Samaddar, DP Coster, X Bonnin, LA Berry… - Computer Physics …, 2019 - Elsevier
This paper explores the application of the parareal algorithm to simulations of ELMs in ITER
plasma. The primary focus of this research is identifying the parameters that lead to optimum …

Numerical simulation of skin transport using Parareal

A Kreienbuehl, A Naegel, D Ruprecht, R Speck… - … and visualization in …, 2015 - Springer
In silico investigation of skin permeation is an important but also computationally demanding
problem. To resolve all scales involved in full detail will not only require exascale computing …

Algorithm 965: RIDC methods: A family of parallel time integrators

BW Ong, RD Haynes, K Ladd - ACM Transactions on Mathematical …, 2016 -
Revisionist integral deferred correction methods are a family of parallel-in-time methods to
solve systems of initial values problems. The approach is able to bootstrap lower-order time …

RandNet-Parareal: a time-parallel PDE solver using Random Neural Networks

G Gattiglio, L Grigoryeva, M Tamborrino - arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.06225, 2024 -
Parallel-in-time (PinT) techniques have been proposed to solve systems of time-dependent
differential equations by parallelizing the temporal domain. Among them, Parareal computes …

An analytic model for the convergence of turbulent simulations time-parallelized via the parareal algorithm

JM Reynolds-Barredo, DE Newman… - Journal of Computational …, 2013 - Elsevier
Parareal is a recent time parallelization algorithm based on a predictor–corrector
mechanism. Recently, it has been applied for the first time to a fully-developed plasma …

Temporal parallelization of edge plasma simulations using the parareal algorithm and the SOLPS code

D Samaddar, DP Coster, X Bonnin… - Computer Physics …, 2017 - Elsevier
It is shown that numerical modelling of edge plasma physics may be successfully
parallelized in time. The parareal algorithm has been employed for this purpose and the …