[HTML][HTML] 'Of course you will succeed warrior': Sensitive closings of WhatsApp conversations by professional foster parents

D van de Koot-Dees, KY Sliedrecht - Children and Youth Services Review, 2023 - Elsevier
Good collaboration between professional foster parents (PFPs) and birth parents (BPs) is of
great importance for the well-being of out-of-home placed youngsters in family-style group …

The role of foster carers in England and Portugal: Is it solely a parenting role?

VS Pinto, N Luke - Children & Society, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
The role of foster carers can be described as similar to the role of parents, but with some
additional tasks. Through focus groups, children in care, young adults who are care …

Child of two worlds: How foster care workers perceive their skills in dealing with worldview differences in foster care

D van de Koot‐Dees, M Noordegraaf… - Child & Family Social …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Foster children often encounter worldview differences between their foster family and their
birth family, for example, when participating in religious activities and practices. Foster …

Support needs and satisfaction of Flemish foster parents in long-term foster care: Associated characteristics of foster children, foster parents and foster placements

J Vanderfaeillie, L Gypen, D West… - Children and youth …, 2020 - Elsevier
In Flanders, family foster care is increasingly the option of choice when out-of-home care is
needed. However, foster care is a complex and challenging intervention and meeting all …

Unheard voices: The living reality of unaccompanied refugee children in Jordan

SA Taha, M Anabtawi - Child Abuse & Neglect, 2024 - Elsevier
Background Unaccompanied refugee children are highly susceptible to challenging living
conditions, as they lack the presence of biological caregivers. This study addresses a critical …

The role of foster parents' basic psychological needs satisfaction and frustration as predictors of autonomy-supportive parenting and the functioning of foster children

J Vanderfaeillie, S Van Den Abbeele… - Children and Youth …, 2020 - Elsevier
Self-determination theory (SDT) has been applied to several domains. SDT-research in
parenting focuses on parents' perception of satisfaction or frustration of basic psychological …

What criteria do foster care workers take into account when recommending foster children's visiting arrangements with their birth parents

F Van Holen, J Moens, L Van Hove… - Child & Family …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Concept mapping was used to identify criteria foster care workers in Flanders use to
regulate visiting arrangements for birth parents of foster children. A sample of 43 foster care …

Структура методики «Мотивация приема ребенка-сироты в замещающую семью»

ВН Ослон, МА Одинцова, ГВ Семья… - Психолого …, 2021 - psyjournals.ru
Аннотация Представлены результаты валидизации нового варианта методики
«Мотивация приема ребенка-сироты в замещающую семью»(ВН Ослон). Выделено 9 …

'Alsof er twee engeltjes uit de hemel waren komen vallen' Omgaan met culturele en levensbeschouwelijke verschillen in gezinshuizen

D van de Koot-Dees, M Noordegraaf, B Reitsma - Pedagogiek, 2023 - aup-online.com
Uithuisgeplaatste jongeren hebben vaak te maken met culturele en levensbeschouwelijke
verschillen tussen hun gezin van herkomst en hun gezinshuis. Voor het welzijn van …

Cognitive functioning of children in out-of-home care

M Eiberg - Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma, 2024 - Springer
Purpose: Most children who enter out-of-home care (OHC) have been subjected to
prolonged maltreatment. Maltreatment potentially contributes to a cumulative deficit in …