
王立国, 张晔, 陈浩 - 吉林大学学报(工学版), 2007 - xuebao.jlu.edu.cn
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Spectral Unmixing Technique of HSI

L Wang, C Zhao, L Wang, C Zhao - Hyperspectral Image Processing, 2016 - Springer
Relative to the classification technique, the spectral unmixing (Keshava and Mustard in IEEE
Trans Sig Process Mag 19: 44–57, 2002) ie, soft classification technique started late …

Classification Technique for HSI

L Wang, C Zhao, L Wang, C Zhao - Hyperspectral Image Processing, 2016 - Springer
Classification is one of the most basic and most important research content of the
hyperspectral data processing (Richards and Jia in Remote Sensing Digital Image Analysis …

A Comparative study of the traditional accuracy assessment and disagreement measures of the classification of remote sensing imagery

M Dadjoo, SB Fatemi Nasrabadi - Iranian Journal of Remote Sensing & …, 2018 - gisj.sbu.ac.ir
Evaluation of the image classification results is very important in the remote sensing
projects. So far, many indices have been presented to assess the accuracy of image …