[HTML][HTML] A novel deep learning technique for detecting emotional impact in online education

S AlZu'bi, R Abu Zitar, B Hawashin, S Abu Shanab… - Electronics, 2022 - mdpi.com
Emotional intelligence is the automatic detection of human emotions using various
intelligent methods. Several studies have been conducted on emotional intelligence, and …

EEG emotion classification network based on attention fusion of multi-channel band features

X Zhu, W Rong, L Zhao, Z He, Q Yang, J Sun, G Liu - Sensors, 2022 - mdpi.com
Understanding learners' emotions can help optimize instruction sand further conduct
effective learning interventions. Most existing studies on student emotion recognition are …

A real-time learning analytics dashboard for automatic detection of online learners' affective states

MN Hasnine, HT Nguyen, TTT Tran, HTT Bui… - Sensors, 2023 - mdpi.com
Students' affective states describe their engagement, concentration, attitude, motivation,
happiness, sadness, frustration, off-task behavior, and confusion level in learning. In online …

An optimized cnn model for engagement recognition in an e-learning environment

Y Hu, Z Jiang, K Zhu - Applied Sciences, 2022 - mdpi.com
In the wake of the restrictions imposed on social interactions due to the COVID-19
pandemic, traditional classroom education was replaced by distance education in many …

Visual Data and Pattern Analysis for Smart Education: A Robust DRL-Based Early Warning System for Student Performance Prediction

W Bagunaid, N Chilamkurti, AS Shahraki… - Future Internet, 2024 - mdpi.com
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) have revolutionised e-
learning by creating personalised, adaptive, and secure environments. However, challenges …

Investigating the Emotion Patterns of Students' Abnormal Interactions in Primary Class Teaching Contexts

S Han, D Yusupbag, X Yao, Z Han - Sustainability, 2023 - mdpi.com
Students' abnormal interactions pertain to the types of interactive behaviors that deviate from
the prescribed learning contents and contravene the established learning objectives during …

Suspicious Activity Detection in Recorded and Live Surveillance

GR Chandra, AL Mannem, C Battula… - TENCON 2023-2023 …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Video surveillance is a tiresome task to perform by a human. Anomaly events are factored by
body gestures and head movements of a person. Body gestures of a crowd or a person are …

Suspicious Activity Detection Based on Head Movement

GR Chandra, AL Mannem, C Battula… - 2023 International …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Detecting suspicious activity based on a person's head movement, makes the task of
monitoring more efficient and automated. In this project, we aim to detect such suspicious …