On abduction in receptive multilingualism. Evidence from cognate guessing tasks.

R Berthele - Applied Linguistics Review, 2011 - degruyter.com
Most researchers agree on the idea that multilinguals have specific advantages over
monolinguals in learning more languages and, more generally, develop specific …

The lifespan development of cognate guessing skills in an unknown related language

J Vanhove, R Berthele - … Review of Applied Linguistics in Language …, 2015 - degruyter.com
This study investigates the lifespan development of the ability to correctly guess the meaning
of foreign-language words with known translation-equivalent cognates. It also aims to …

[图书][B] Mehrsprachigkeit und Lateinunterricht: Überlegungen zum lateinischen Lernwortschatz

K Siebel - 2017 - books.google.com
Mit ihrer Studie erschließt Katrin Siebel das weite Feld der Mehrsprachigkeit und deren
Didaktik erstmals systematisch für die Schulfremdsprache Latein. Am Beispiel des …

[HTML][HTML] Language models, surprisal and fantasy in Slavic intercomprehension

K Jágrová, T Avgustinova, I Stenger… - Computer Speech & …, 2019 - Elsevier
In monolingual human language processing, the predictability of a word given its
surrounding sentential context is crucial. With regard to receptive multilingualism, it is …

Item-related determinants of cognate guessing in multilinguals

J Vanhove, R Berthele - Crosslinguistic influence and crosslinguistic …, 2015 - torrossa.com
Formal similarities to a known language make it considerably easier to learn a new one.
More specifically, the learning curve is smoothed if language learners are able to make use …

[PDF][PDF] Wann sind Kognaten erkennbar? Ähnlichkeit und synchrone Transparenz von Kognatenbeziehungen in der germanischen Interkomprehension

R Möller - Linguistik online, 2011 - redalyc.org
The possibilities of intercomprehension (= receptive multilingualism within a language
family, here restricted to reading comprehension) strongly depend on cognate words and on …

Investigating word recognition in intercomprehension: Methods and findings

R Möller, L Zeevaert - Linguistics, 2015 - degruyter.com
This article presents methods and findings from research on factors that determine the
recognizability of cognate words in Germanic intercomprehension (more precisely: German …

Reading across the Germanic languages: Is equal access just wishful thinking?

N Marx - International Journal of Bilingualism, 2012 - journals.sagepub.com
To meet increasing needs for multilingual speakers, varied concepts such as
Intercomprehension Pedagogy have evolved. Here, speakers of one language concurrently …

[PDF][PDF] Les classements des universités et les indicateurs bibliométriques: Quels effets sur le multilinguisme dans l'enseignement et la recherche?

G Michele - Langues et cultures dans l'internationalisation de l' …, 2018 - u-pad.unimc.it
Résumé L'utilisation des classements des universités et des indicateurs bibliométriques
pourrait avoir des effets remarquables sur la diversité linguistique. Dans cet article, je …

[PDF][PDF] Receptive multilingualism across the lifespan

J Vanhove - 2014 - folia.unifr.ch
In the course of the last three years, I have had the chance to dig into a topic that has
fascinated me ever since I started my Bachelor's: how people can understand language …