Development of mathematical models of gas leakage and its propagation in atmospheric air at an emergency gas well gushing

T Yatsyshyn, L Shkitsa, O Popov… - Восточно-Европейский …, 2019 -
Дослідження присвячено розробці нових математичних засобів для визначення
розподілу в просторі та часі техногенного навантаження на атмосферне повітря в …

Solutions of Some Wave Mechanics Models

OV Kaptsov, DO Kaptsov - Fluid Dynamics, 2023 - Springer
We consider one-dimensional second-order partial differential equations describing waves
in inhomogeneous and nonlinear media. Contact transformations and Euler differential …

Mathematical software for estimation of the air pollution level during emergency flowing of gas well for education and advanced training of specialists in the oil and gas …

O Popov, T Yatsyshyn, A Iatsyshyn… - Systems, Decision and …, 2021 - Springer
Operation of oil and gas wells and unforeseen emergencies are accompanied by
disturbances in natural state of the atmosphere, soils, reservoirs. It threatens personnel and …

On exact multidimensional solutions of a nonlinear system of reaction–diffusion equations

AA Kosov, EI Semenov - Differential Equations, 2018 - Springer
We study a nonlinear reaction–diffusion system modeled by a system of two parabolic-type
equations with power-law nonlinearities. Such systems describe the processes of nonlinear …

On Laplace and Dini transformations for multidimensional equations with a decomposable principal symbol

EI Ganzha - Programming and Computer Software, 2012 - Springer
Algorithms for solving linear PDEs implemented in modern computer algebra systems are
usually limited to equations with two independent variables. In this paper, we propose a …

On the Goursat classification problem

OV Kaptsov - Programming and Computer Software, 2012 - Springer
In the paper, the Goursat problem—classification of nonlinear hyperbolic differential
equations possessing two characteristic invariants—is considered. An algorithm for finding …

Алгоритм расчета кинематических характеристик эластично-опорного шарнира поворотного сопла ракетного двигателя твердого топлива

ЮВ Костиков, НВ Сумнительный… - … журнал: наука и …, 2018 -
Для обеспечения устойчивого положения и требуемого направления движения
летательного аппарата по заданной траектории в корпус твердотопливного ракетного …

Systems of generators for ideals of algebra of convergent differential series

OV Kaptsov - Programming and Computer Software, 2014 - Springer
Differential algebra of convergent power series that depend on an arbitrary finite number of
variables is considered. The concept of a passive family of generators is defined for a …

Construction of Exact Solutions of the System of One-Dimensional Gas Dynamics Equations without Gradient Catastrophe

AV Aksenov, KP Druzhkov - Fluid Dynamics, 2023 - Springer
The system of equations that describes one-dimensional polytropic gas flows is considered.
The invariants up to the second order of characteristics of the considered system of …

О многомерных точных решениях одной нелинейной системы реакции–диффузии

АА Косов, ЭИ Семенов, ВВ Тирских - … Механика. Компьютерные науки, 2023 -
Изучается многомерный случай нелинейной системы реакции–диффузии,
моделируемый системой двух уравнений параболического типа со степенными …