Understanding the images of Alan Kurdi with “small data”: A qualitative, comparative analysis of tweets about refugees in Turkey and Flanders (Belgium)
One of the peak moments of the debate on the European refugee crisis was caused by the
circulation of images of Alan Kurdi, a three-year-old Syrian boy who drowned in the Aegean …
circulation of images of Alan Kurdi, a three-year-old Syrian boy who drowned in the Aegean …
Visual social media and affectivity: The impact of the image of Alan Kurdi and young people's response to the refugee crisis in Oslo and Sheffield
L Prøitz - Information, Communication & Society, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
This article focuses on the reception of the image of Alan Kurdi by a group of young
volunteers in Oslo and Sheffield, and their understanding of the subsequent civic and …
volunteers in Oslo and Sheffield, and their understanding of the subsequent civic and …
The dead Syrian refugee boy goes viral: funerary Aylan Kurdi memes as tools of mourning and visual reparation in remix culture
N Mielczarek - Visual Communication, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
The picture of 3-year-old Syrian refugee Aylan Kurdi, whose dead body washed up on a
Turkish beach in September 2015, was lauded as iconic after it went viral. Within hours …
Turkish beach in September 2015, was lauded as iconic after it went viral. Within hours …
Eduentretenimiento y comunicación para el desarrollo y el cambio social en la infancia. Una revisión de literatura
SB Ponce - Caleidoscopio-Revista Semestral de Ciencias Sociales …, 2021 - ojs3.uaa.mx
Una estrategia de comunicación para el desarrollo y el cambio social (CDCS) es el
eduentretenimiento pues brinda la oportunidad de generar acciones que promueven la …
eduentretenimiento pues brinda la oportunidad de generar acciones que promueven la …
¿ Qué ha ocurrido con la educación en comunicación en los últimos 35 años? Pensar el futuro
R Aparici, A García Matilla - Espacios en blanco. Serie …, 2016 - SciELO Argentina
Este artículo sirve de crónica de lo ocurrido en el contexto de la educación mediática a lo
largo de los últimos 35 años, a través de la mirada de dos educomunicadores que, desde …
largo de los últimos 35 años, a través de la mirada de dos educomunicadores que, desde …
Incidencia política de las campañas contra la trata: Un relato controvertido
V Saiz-Echezarreta, MC Alvarado… - … : Revista Científica de …, 2018 - educa.fcc.org.br
La construcción, visibilización y estabilización de un problema público requiere de la
movilización de colectivos ciudadanos interesados en el asunto, que actúen como un ente …
movilización de colectivos ciudadanos interesados en el asunto, que actúen como un ente …
Theorizing the life and death of moments of openness toward refugees in the Global North: The case of Germany during the 2015–2016 refugee “Crisis”
I Lemay - Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
This paper proposes a theoretical framework for the analysis of moments of openness
toward refugees in the Global North. Four key types of representations and perceptions of …
toward refugees in the Global North. Four key types of representations and perceptions of …
Aylan Kurdi, Twitter y la indignación efímera
S Roncallo-Dow, AM Córdoba-Hernández… - Reis: Revista Española …, 2019 - JSTOR
The photo of Aylan Kurdi, the Syrian child who drowned after shipwrecking with his family,
awakened international public concern in the face of a crisis that had already been …
awakened international public concern in the face of a crisis that had already been …
Advocacy of Trafficking Campaigns: A Controversy Story.
V Saiz-Echezarreta, MC Alvarado… - Comunicar: Media …, 2018 - ERIC
The construction, visualization and stabilization of public problems require the mobilization
of civil society groups concerned about these issues to actively engage in the demand for …
of civil society groups concerned about these issues to actively engage in the demand for …
Journalistic practices in the representation of Europe's 2014–2016 migrant and refugee crisis
Since its surge in 2014, the migrant and refugee crisis has been a major issue for the
European community, not only impacting the geopolitical, economic, societal and …
European community, not only impacting the geopolitical, economic, societal and …