Understanding the images of Alan Kurdi with “small data”: A qualitative, comparative analysis of tweets about refugees in Turkey and Flanders (Belgium)

C Bozdag, K Smets - International Journal of Communication, 2017 - ijoc.org
One of the peak moments of the debate on the European refugee crisis was caused by the
circulation of images of Alan Kurdi, a three-year-old Syrian boy who drowned in the Aegean …

Visual social media and affectivity: The impact of the image of Alan Kurdi and young people's response to the refugee crisis in Oslo and Sheffield

L Prøitz - Information, Communication & Society, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
This article focuses on the reception of the image of Alan Kurdi by a group of young
volunteers in Oslo and Sheffield, and their understanding of the subsequent civic and …

The dead Syrian refugee boy goes viral: funerary Aylan Kurdi memes as tools of mourning and visual reparation in remix culture

N Mielczarek - Visual Communication, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
The picture of 3-year-old Syrian refugee Aylan Kurdi, whose dead body washed up on a
Turkish beach in September 2015, was lauded as iconic after it went viral. Within hours …

Eduentretenimiento y comunicación para el desarrollo y el cambio social en la infancia. Una revisión de literatura

SB Ponce - Caleidoscopio-Revista Semestral de Ciencias Sociales …, 2021 - ojs3.uaa.mx
Una estrategia de comunicación para el desarrollo y el cambio social (CDCS) es el
eduentretenimiento pues brinda la oportunidad de generar acciones que promueven la …

¿ Qué ha ocurrido con la educación en comunicación en los últimos 35 años? Pensar el futuro

R Aparici, A García Matilla - Espacios en blanco. Serie …, 2016 - SciELO Argentina
Este artículo sirve de crónica de lo ocurrido en el contexto de la educación mediática a lo
largo de los últimos 35 años, a través de la mirada de dos educomunicadores que, desde …

Incidencia política de las campañas contra la trata: Un relato controvertido

V Saiz-Echezarreta, MC Alvarado… - … : Revista Científica de …, 2018 - educa.fcc.org.br
La construcción, visibilización y estabilización de un problema público requiere de la
movilización de colectivos ciudadanos interesados en el asunto, que actúen como un ente …

Theorizing the life and death of moments of openness toward refugees in the Global North: The case of Germany during the 2015–2016 refugee “Crisis”

I Lemay - Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
This paper proposes a theoretical framework for the analysis of moments of openness
toward refugees in the Global North. Four key types of representations and perceptions of …

Aylan Kurdi, Twitter y la indignación efímera

S Roncallo-Dow, AM Córdoba-Hernández… - Reis: Revista Española …, 2019 - JSTOR
The photo of Aylan Kurdi, the Syrian child who drowned after shipwrecking with his family,
awakened international public concern in the face of a crisis that had already been …

Advocacy of Trafficking Campaigns: A Controversy Story.

V Saiz-Echezarreta, MC Alvarado… - Comunicar: Media …, 2018 - ERIC
The construction, visualization and stabilization of public problems require the mobilization
of civil society groups concerned about these issues to actively engage in the demand for …

Journalistic practices in the representation of Europe's 2014–2016 migrant and refugee crisis

V Sacco, V Gorin - Journal of Applied Journalism & Media …, 2018 - intellectdiscover.com
Since its surge in 2014, the migrant and refugee crisis has been a major issue for the
European community, not only impacting the geopolitical, economic, societal and …