Root canal morphology of native Tanzanian permanent mandibular molar teeth

HS Madjapa, IK Minja - Pan African Medical Journal, 2018 -
Introduction: research has shown variations in morphology of root canals to differ amongst
ethnic groups. We aimed to investigate the root morphology and canal configuration of …

Morphology of root canal system of maxillary and mandibular molars

S Razumova, A Brago, H Barakat… - Human Teeth: Key …, 2020 -
The root canal system is complicated and has many anatomical variations among different
populations. It is so important to understand the morphology of root canal system before any …

Root and canal morphology of the mandibular first molar: A micro-computed tomography-focused observation of literature with illustrative cases. Part 2: Internal root …

CH Jonker, PJ van der Vyver… - South African Dental …, 2023 -
The endodontic intervention of the mandibular first molar can be challenging. Once root
canals or any portion of them remain undiscovered and untreated, the risk of treatment …

Root and canal morphology of the mandibular first molar: A micro-computed tomography-focused observation of literature with illustrative cases: Part 1: External root …

CH Jonker, PJ van der Vyver… - South African Dental …, 2023 -
The mandibular first molar often requires endodontic intervention, which can be challenging
and complex with several variants in the number of canals and roots. Usually, these teeth …

Analysis of Root and Canal Morphology of First Permanent Molars in a Selected Tanzanian Population Using Cone Beam Computerized Tomography

EK Ndakama - 2023 -
Background: Knowledge of tooth morphology is critical and necessary in clinical dental
practice. It is of paramount importance for clinicians to be well versed in disparities in tooth …

Prevalencia del tercer conducto en la raíz mesial de los primeros molares mandibulares permanentes, en pacientes sometidos a tratamiento en la Clínica Serodu …

A Chávez-Vega, M Jarrín-Peñafiel… - Revista …, 2018 -
Obejtivo: Determinar la prevalencia del tercer conducto en la raíz mesial de los primeros
molares mandibulares permanentes, de pacientes que acuden por tratamiento de conducto …