[HTML][HTML] O funcionamento da atenção no trabalho do cartógrafo
V Kastrup - Psicologia & sociedade, 2007 - SciELO Brasil
A cartografia é um método proposto por G. Deleuze e F. Guattari e que vem sendo utilizado
em pesquisas de campo voltadas para o estudo da subjetividade. Adotando uma …
em pesquisas de campo voltadas para o estudo da subjetividade. Adotando uma …
Two visual systems and two theories of perception: An attempt to reconcile the constructivist and ecological approaches
J Norman - Behavioral and brain sciences, 2002 - cambridge.org
The two contrasting theoretical approaches to visual perception, the constructivist and the
ecological, are briefly presented and illustrated through their analyses of space and size …
ecological, are briefly presented and illustrated through their analyses of space and size …
Geometrical haptic illusions: The role of exploration in the Müller-Lyer, vertical-horizontal, and Delboeuf illusions
E Gentaz, Y Hatwell - Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 2004 - Springer
This article surveys studies of the occurrence, in the haptic modality, of three geometrical
illusions well known in vision, and it discusses the nature of the processes underlying these …
illusions well known in vision, and it discusses the nature of the processes underlying these …
The visuo-haptic and haptic exploration of letters increases the kindergarten-children's understanding of the alphabetic principle
This study examined the effect of incorporating a visuo-haptic and haptic (tactual-
kinaesthetic) exploration of letters in a training designed to develop phonemic awareness …
kinaesthetic) exploration of letters in a training designed to develop phonemic awareness …
[图书][B] Imiter pour grandir-3e éd.: Développement du bébé et de l'enfant avec autisme
J Nadel - 2021 - books.google.com
Pourquoi les bébés imitent-ils dès leur naissance? Cela a-t-il un sens? Pourquoi les enfants
imitent-ils ce qu'ils voient faire? Est-ce qu'ils s' abêtissent? Faut-il les laisser faire? Les …
imitent-ils ce qu'ils voient faire? Est-ce qu'ils s' abêtissent? Faut-il les laisser faire? Les …
Haptics for human-computer interaction: From the skin to the brain
M Ziat - Foundations and Trends® in Human–Computer …, 2023 - nowpublishers.com
In recent years haptics has received considerable attention from the field of Human-
Computer Interactions (HCI) for its potential to provide more tangible and immersive …
Computer Interactions (HCI) for its potential to provide more tangible and immersive …
Haptics in learning to read with children from low socio‐economic status families
This study assessed the effects of multi‐sensory training on the understanding of the
alphabetic principle in kindergarten children from low socio‐economic status families. Two …
alphabetic principle in kindergarten children from low socio‐economic status families. Two …
Cross-modal recognition of shape from hand to eyes in human newborns
A Streri, E Gentaz - Somatosensory & Motor Research, 2003 - Taylor & Francis
The hypothesis that the ability to coordinate information between tactual and visual
modalities is present at birth and dependent on perceptual inherent structures was tested in …
modalities is present at birth and dependent on perceptual inherent structures was tested in …
[HTML][HTML] A invenção na ponta dos dedos: a reversão da atenção em pessoas com deficiência visual
V Kastrup - Psicologia em Revista, 2007 - pepsic.bvsalud.org
Diversos estudos têm indicado que a perda de visão produz uma reorganização do sistema
cognitivo em função de novos investimentos da atenção, que são condição para a …
cognitivo em função de novos investimentos da atenção, que são condição para a …
Haptic perception in newborns
A Streri, M Lhote, S Dutilleul - Developmental Science, 2000 - Wiley Online Library
Two experiments using different procedures were performed in which newborns' ability to
process information about object shape with their hands was explored. In the first …
process information about object shape with their hands was explored. In the first …