Job seeking: The process and experience of looking for a job

CR Wanberg, AA Ali, B Csillag - Annual Review of …, 2020 -
This review distills available empirical research about the process and experience of looking
for a job. Job search varies according to several dimensions, including intensity, content …

The labor market in the Great Recession

MW Elsby, B Hobijn, A Sahin - 2010 -
From the perspective of a wide range of labor market outcomes, the recession that began in
2007 represents the deepest downturn in the postwar era. Early on, the nature of labor …

Unemployment Dynamics in the OECD

MWL Elsby, B Hobijn, A Şahin - Review of Economics and Statistics, 2013 -
We provide a set of comparable estimates for the rates of inflow to and outflow from
unemployment using publicly available data for fourteen OECD economies. Using a novel …

Labor market dynamics and development

K Donovan, WJ Lu, T Schoellman - The Quarterly Journal of …, 2023 -
We provide new evidence on how labor market dynamics vary with development. We build a
new data set consisting of harmonized microdata from rotating panel labor force surveys …

Unemployment insurance and job search behavior

I Marinescu, D Skandalis - The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2021 -
How does unemployment insurance (UI) affect unemployed workers' search behavior?
Search models predict that until benefit exhaustion, UI depresses job search effort and …

Wage rigidity: A quantitative solution to several asset pricing puzzles

J Favilukis, X Lin - The Review of Financial Studies, 2016 -
In standard production models, wage volatility is far too high, and equity volatility is far too
low. A simple modification–sticky wages because of infrequent resetting together with a …

German economic performance: disentangling the role of supply-side reforms, macroeconomic policy and coordinated economy institutions

W Carlin, D Soskice - Socio-Economic Review, 2009 -
Since unification, the debate about Germany's poor economic performance has focused on
supply-side weaknesses, and the associated reform agenda sought to make low-skill labour …

The role of labor markets for euro area monetary policy

K Christoffel, K Kuester, T Linzert - European Economic Review, 2009 - Elsevier
In this paper, we explore the role of labor markets for monetary policy in the euro area in a
New Keynesian model in which labor markets are characterized by search and matching …

The macroeconomic effects of goods and labor markets deregulation

M Cacciatore, G Fiori - Review of Economic Dynamics, 2016 - Elsevier
We study the macroeconomic effects of deregulating the goods and labor markets. To this
end, we introduce endogenous product creation and labor market frictions in an otherwise …

Fiscal expansions, unemployment, and labor force participation: Theory and evidence

M Brückner, E Pappa - International Economic Review, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Structural VARs indicate that for many OECD countries labor force participation,
employment, and the unemployment rate significantly increase following increases in …