Border communication: Media sociology and STS
J Wajcman, PK Jones - Media, Culture & Society, 2012 -
This article examines the curious interplay between media sociology and Science and
Technology Studies (STS). Recent media research is increasingly drawn to STS, while STS …
Technology Studies (STS). Recent media research is increasingly drawn to STS, while STS …
[图书][B] Pengaruh Penggunaan Ponsel Cerdas Terhadap Perilaku Perjalanan Profesional Bergerak
GN Christin - 2021 -
melanggar dan tanpa hak melakukan perbuatan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 2 …
melanggar dan tanpa hak melakukan perbuatan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 2 …
Изменение медиасреды и современные практики чтения
ММ Назаров, ПА Ковалев - Социологические исследования, 2017 -
Феномен чтения претерпевает серьезные изменения в условиях трансформации
медиасреды. На основе репрезентативных исследований городской аудитории …
медиасреды. На основе репрезентативных исследований городской аудитории …
Critical theory and demagogic populism
PK Jones - 2020 -
The present book has grown out of studies undertaken by the INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL
RESEARCH during the past two decades. A large part of them was devoted to the scrutiny of …
RESEARCH during the past two decades. A large part of them was devoted to the scrutiny of …
Digitization of Everything, the world of 0s and 1s, emerging trends in psychological assessment
Digitalization refers to the integration of digital technologies into daily lifestyle by digitizing
everything that allows for digitization. In this paper, digitalization means computerization of …
everything that allows for digitization. In this paper, digitalization means computerization of …
Media convergence practices and production in Ghana and Nigeria: Implications for democracy and research in Africa
M Fosu, U Akpojivi - Journal of Applied Journalism & Media …, 2015 -
In this era of globalization, information accessibility is becoming crucial to empower citizens
in their political, economic and sociocultural engagements. In emerging democracies …
in their political, economic and sociocultural engagements. In emerging democracies …
[HTML][HTML] Digital literacy, digital culture and digitalization in Europe
K Kreslins, MR Ikse, G Dreijers… - J. Internet E-bus …, 2022 -
The main goal of the research is to analyse and disclose linkage between digital literacy,
digital culture and digitalization. The literature review covers explanation of the main …
digital culture and digitalization. The literature review covers explanation of the main …
Платформы и алгоритмизация в медиа: содержание и социальные следствия
ММ Назаров - Коммуникология, 2020 -
Рассматриваются новые особенности цифровой медиасреды, связанные с широким
внедрением платформ и алгоритмов в управление массовыми информационными …
внедрением платформ и алгоритмов в управление массовыми информационными …
Transformacija tradicionalnih medija u novom tehnološkom okruženju
AM Mihajlov Prokopović - Универзитет у Београду, 2017 -
Ovaj rad istraţuje promene tradicionalnih medija do kojih dolazi u novom, digitalnom
okruţenju. U radu se polazi od pretpostavke da je prikazivanje svih sadrţaja u istom …
okruţenju. U radu se polazi od pretpostavke da je prikazivanje svih sadrţaja u istom …