[PDF][PDF] Breast cancer mass detection in mammograms using K-means and fuzzy C-means clustering

N Singh, AG Mohapatra, G Kanungo - International Journal of …, 2011 - academia.edu
Mammography is a special case of CT scan who adopts X-ray method & uses the high
resolution film so that it can detect well the tumors in the breast. Low radiation is the strength …

Digital image processing technique for breast cancer detection

R Guzman-Cabrera, JR Guzmán-Sepúlveda… - International Journal of …, 2013 - Springer
Breast cancer is the most common cause of death in women and the second leading cause
of cancer deaths worldwide. Primary prevention in the early stages of the disease becomes …

Detection of masses in mammographic breast cancer images using modified histogram based adaptive thresholding (MHAT) method

BC Patel, GR Sinha, D Soni - International Journal of …, 2019 - inderscienceonline.com
Breast cancer is the leading type of cancer diagnosed in women nowadays and for breast
screening, mammography is preferred to detect and diagnose the cancer by detecting the …

[PDF][PDF] GUI Based Automatic Breast Cancer Mass and Calcification Detection in Mammogram Images usingK-means and Fuzzy C-means Methods

N Singh, AG Mohapatra, BN Rath… - International Journal of …, 2012 - ijmlc.org
Mammogram breast cancer images have the ability to assist physicians in detecting brest
cancer caused by cells abnormal growth. The first step of the cancer signs detection should …

Peningkatan Kontras Citra Mamografi Digital dengan Menggunakan CLAHE dan Contrast Stretching

WD Mertiana, TA Sardjono, NF Hikmah - Jurnal Teknik ITS, 2021 - ejurnal.its.ac.id
Kanker menjadi salah satu penyebab utama angka kematian terbesar di dunia dan kanker
payudara menjadi jenis kanker dengan prevalensi paling tinggi dialami oleh perempuan …

Mammogram classification in transform domain

N Samant, P Sonar - 2018 5th International Conference on …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Recently, breast cancer is major reason of cancer deaths among women. When cells in the
breast tissue grow rapidly and gets divided without control breast cancer takes place which …

[PDF][PDF] Segmentation of Breast Cancer Mass in Mammograms and Detection using magnetic resonance imaging

Y Yao - IEEE Image Processing Soc. J, 2004 - Citeseer

[PDF][PDF] A Comparison of Multiple Filtering Methods for Edge Detection of Breast Cancer Cells

GS Ranu, JS Sidhu - Indian Journal …, 2016 - sciresol.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws …
Breast cancer is second most commonly diagnosed cancer worldwide. In order to find the
cure, it is necessary to quickly diagnose the disease accurately and treat it based on the kind …

[PDF][PDF] A FCM based approach for automated segmentation of breast masses in mammograms

S Vijayalakshmi, PSNS Nithyalakshmi - International Journal of …, 2016 - academia.edu
In this paper, we present an automated method to segment the breast masses in
Mammograms that can be acquired in the routine clinical setting. Breast cancer is the most …

Texture analysis improves the estimate of bone fracture risk from DXA images

RS Lu, M Taylor, MJ Bottema - Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 2016 - oarsijournal.com
Purpose: Elderly people, particularly women, are at a significantly higher risk of suffering a
bone fracture as a result of a fall than the ambient population. Traditionally dual energy x-ray …