Advanced electro-active optic device

RD Blum, JN Haddock, W Kokonaski… - US Patent 7,926,940, 2011 - Google Patents
Optical devices having a dynamic aperture and/or an apodization mask are provided. The
aperture and/or mask may be provided by one or more electro-active elements, and may be …

Flexible dynamic electro-active lens

RD Blum, JN Haddock, W Kokonaski… - US Patent …, 2015 - Google Patents
3,738,734 3,791,719 4,062,629 4, 174,156 4,181,408 4,190,330 4,190,621 4.264, 154
4.279, 474 4,300,818 4,320,939 4,373.218 4,395,736 4.418, 990 4.423, 929 4,457,585 …

Ophthalmic dynamic aperture

RD Blum, JN Haddock, W Kokonaski… - US Patent …, 2012 - Google Patents
Embodiments of the present invention relate to an electro-active element having a dynamic
aperture. The electro-active element provides increased depth of field and may be used in a …

Electro-active intraocular lenses

RD Blum, W Kokonaski - US Patent 8,778,022, 2014 - Google Patents
623/6.43, 6.17, 6.27 An intraocular system is presented that may include an elec See
application file for complete search history. tro-active element having multiple independently …

3D glasses

M Klinar, L Stepan, M Costeira… - US Patent App. 29 …, 2012 - Google Patents
FIG. 1 is a front side perspective view of the 3D glasses; FIG. 2 is a front elevation view of the
3D glasses of FIG. 1; FIG. 3 is a rear elevation view of the 3D glasses of FIG. 1; FIG. 4 is a top …

Eyewear including a docking station

R Blum, W Kokonaski, DP Duston - US Patent 8,931,896, 2015 - Google Patents
GO2C I/00(2006.01) docking station. The docking station may be configured to GO2C
II/00(2006.01) provide power to a docked electrical component, such as a GO2C …

3D glasses

M Klinar, M Sostaric, A Sapec, L Stepan… - US Patent App. 29 …, 2012 - Google Patents
Related US Application Data Continuation-in-part of application No. 29/381.373, filed on
Dec. 17, 2010, now abandoned, and a continuation of application No. 29/378.689, filed on …

Eyewear including a remote control camera

R Blum, W Kokonaski, DP Duston - US Patent 9,124,796, 2015 - Google Patents
(Continued)(57) ABSTRACT Eyewear is provided including a frame, and a camera con yp
9.(51) Int. Cl. nected with the frame, in which the camera is configured to be GO2C …

Electro-active spectacle employing modal liquid crystal lenses

RD Blum, W Kokonaski, DP Duston - US Patent 7,404,636, 2008 - Google Patents
Related US Application Data Continuation-in-part of application No. 10/644,112, filed on
Aug. 20, 2003, and a continuation-in-part of application No. 10/422,128, filed on Apr. 24 …

Eyewear including a heads up display

R Blum, W Kokonaski, DP Duston - US Patent 8,915,588, 2014 - Google Patents
Eyewear is provided including a frame, a visor attached to frame and a heads up display.
The heads up display may be housed in the visor. The visor may be configured to be …