FDTD analysis of a gigahertz TEM cell for ultra-wideband pulse exposure studies of biological specimens

Z Ji, C Hagness, H Booske, S Mathur… - IEEE transactions on …, 2006 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Gigahertz transverse electromagnetic (GTEM) transmission cells have been previously used
to experimentally study exposure of biological cells to ultra-wideband (UWB), monopolar …

A complete model for simulating magnitude and phase of emissions from a DUT placed inside a GTEM cell

XTI Ngu, A Nothofer, DWP Thomas… - IEEE transactions on …, 2007 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Since the publication of IEC 61000-4-20, the gigahertz transverse electromagnetic (GTEM)
cell has gained popularity in radiated emission and immunity electromagnetic compatibility …

GTEM cell as an alternative method for radiated immunity tests: A comparison with an anechoic chamber

MA Salhi, S Çakır, M Çinar, B Tektaş… - 2016 International …, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Radiated immunity tests are among the main Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
prerequisites which need to be met for any electrical and electronic product before entering …

[PDF][PDF] 纳秒高压脉冲电阻分压器的结构优化

胡景森, 陈炜峰 - 高压电器, 2011 - fs.gongkong.com
由电阻分压器和存储示波器组成的纳秒级高电压脉冲测量系统中, 各组成部分间的阻抗匹配与否
, 对测量结果影响很大. 笔者基于高频电磁场仿真软件FEKO, 建立了电阻分压器的仿真模型 …

Characterization of electric fields in a GTEM cell [EMC measurement applications]

A Ubin, MZM Jenu - 2004 RF and Microwave Conference (IEEE …, 2004 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Two of the most important measurements related to electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) are
radiated emission and radiated immunity. These measurements must be performed in a …

Metal-Coated Building Blocks as a Tool for Creating Electromagnetic Shielding

S Kovar, T Kadavy, I Kavankova… - … IEEE Symposium on …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Electromagnetic compatibility has become an integral part of the development process of
any electronic or electrical product; however, maintaining a balance between radiation and …

[PDF][PDF] Badanie emisyjności promieniowanej urządzeń energoelektronicznych w komorach GTEM

J Łuszcz, A Knitter - Zeszyty Naukowe Wydziału Elektrotechniki i …, 2005 - bibliotekanauki.pl
Komory ekranowane GTEM stanowią jedną z alternatywnych metod badania emisyjności
promieniowanej urządzeń dopuszczanych przez wymagania norm. Pomimo istotnych …

[PDF][PDF] GTEM 小室中EUT 受试电磁场场分布性能

胡玉生, 郑捷庆, 杨荣彬 - 计量学报 - jlxb.china-csm.org
研究了GTEm 小室中EUT 受试电磁场的场均匀性和主TEm 模特性. 在笛卡尔坐标系中建立了
加入金属EUT 后GTEm 小室的三维FDTD 模型, 计算分析频率达2GHz. 计算了一个“大EUT” …

[PDF][PDF] On the Immunity of Data Acquisition Systems Used in Power Systems

LA Dina, ID Nicolae, PM Nicolae… - Annals of the University of …, 2016 - elth.ucv.ro
The paper deals with some tests regarding the immunity for radiated emissions and
compliance with international standards for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) …

Numerical analysis of the unwanted influence of a probe fixture in transient electromagnetic field

L Yao, T Shen, N Kang, J Huang - 2013 Asia-Pacific …, 2013 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Probe fixtures are often utilized in electromagnetic compatibility measurements to position
field probes, especially in field uniformity calibration. The unwanted influence of a probe …