Innovative approach to reading skill development: Jigsaw strategy and crossword puzzle media

R Hasibuan, L Fitriani - Journal of …, 2023 -
This article aims to describe application of jigsaw learning strategy and crossword puzzle in
Maharah qiraah learning, which includes three aspects: 1) planning, 2) implementation, and …

[PDF][PDF] How is an Arabic Lecturer's Personality Competence as Expected by Students? An Analysis of Students' Perceptions in Indonesia

H Hamidah, NA Audina, MR Mubarak - Education, 2022 -
This study aimed to examine students' perceptions of an ideal Arabic lecturer's personality
competence. This study used an exploratory approach with the data collection technique …

[PDF][PDF] Using the Plotagon Application on Arabic Language Learning Media Design

R Rini, MA Mustofa, K Kurnia - … : Jurnal Bahasa Arab, 2023 -
This article aimed to describe the results of research related to the design of Arabic
language learning media using the Plotagon application, as an alternative interactive Arabic …

Probing the Fusion of Arabic and Gorontalo Dialect in the Daily Linguistic Landscape of Students at Al-Falah Islamic Boarding School

M Jundi, R Hasibuan, SD Kadir - Kitabina: Jurnal Bahasa & …, 2023 -
This study aims to delineate the attributes of the day-to-day usage of the Arabic language by
students at Pondok Pesantren Al-Falah Limboto Barat, considering the intrusion of the …


A Muradi, J Syarif, F Noor… - Arabiyat: Journal Of …, 2021 -
Arabic learning amid the Covid-19 pandemic has changed offline to online. At the same
time, the government launched a merdeka belajar (freedom to learn) program. Therefore …

Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Berbantuan Media Instagram Untuk Meningkatkan Minat Belajar Siswa Madrasah Tsanawiyah

M Wijaya, RSY Rismawati - Jurnal Educatio Fkip Unma, 2023 -
Mata pelajaran bahasa Arab yang cenderung sulit membuat siswa-siswi cepat merasa
bosan dan tidak tertarik untuk mempelajari bahasa Arab lebih dalam. Cara belajar mereka …

Using the SAVI Model through Video and Peabody Media in Learning Arabic Speaking Skills

M Hasyim, M Iliah - Arabiyatuna: Jurnal Bahasa Arab, 2023 -
The purposes of this study were to find out how Arabic speaking skills were taught at MTs.
Darut Taqwa 02 Sengonagung Purwosari by applying the SAVI-based learning model, and …

Analisis Konten Instagram@ alazharcenterpare dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Online

SU Rahmawati, SN Aisyah… - Ukazh: Journal of …, 2024 -
Abstrak Berkembangnya Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi menuntut para pelaksana
pembelajaran untuk terus meningkatkan inovasi serta kreatifitas dalam kegiatan belajar …

Investigation on the Students' Perceptions of the Arabic Speaking Skills toward the Contextual Teaching Learning Implementation.

N Wahdah, MR Mubarak, AM Ilmiani… - Arabiyat: Journal of …, 2024 -
This study explores the students' perceptions of the results of Contextual Teaching Learning
(CTL) implementation in the Arabic speaking skill lectures based on the typical …

Diskoneksi antara kurikulum bahasa Arab dan implementasi pembelajarannya di Madrasah Aliyah dalam perspektif ACTFL

F Habibie, M Ainin, M Muassomah… - Studi …, 2022 -
Metode Kurikulum bahasa Arab yang akan digunakan sebagai salah satu sumber penelitian
pada artikel ini adalah Kurikulum 2013 menurut KMA Nomor 183 dan 184 Tahun 2019 …