Crystallization of metallic micro-, nano-, and non-crystalline alloys

E Illeková, J Šesták - Thermal analysis of micro, nano-and non-crystalline …, 2012 - Springer
The kinetic spotlight of crystallization has been studied to a large extent by preceding crucial
studies, as well as by numerous papers published on the specific subject of metallic glasses …

In situ studies of temperature-dependent behaviour and crystallisation of Ni36. 5Pd36. 5P27 metallic glass

I Kaban, K Khalouk, F Gasser, JG Gasser… - Journal of alloys and …, 2014 - Elsevier
The temperature dependences of electrical resistivity, absolute thermoelectric power as well
as structural changes in Ni 36.5 Pd 36.5 P 27 metallic glass have been measured and …

Structure and properties changes of Fe78Si9B13metallic glass by low-temperature thermal activation process

S Griner, R Babilas, R Nowosielski - Journal of Achievements in Materials …, 2012 -
Purpose: The paper presents a structural relaxation process of Fe78Si9B13metallic glasses
and structure and properties changes in a temperature range up to 300° C after annealing …

[PDF][PDF] Magnetic properties of Co-based amorphous ribbon under cyclic heating and cooling

J Konieczny, A Borisjuk, M Pashechko… - structure, 2010 -
Purpose: The aim of the work is to investigate the changes of magnetic properties of the
cobalt based Co68Fe4Mo1Si13. 5B13. 5 alloy under cycling heating and cooling …

Structural phase transformations and changes in the surface topology upon crystallization of amorphous alloys based on nickel

GN Elmanov, EA Ivanitskaya, ON Sevryukov… - Inorganic Materials …, 2014 - Springer
The changes in the structure, phase composition, and topology of the surface of rapidly
solidified metallic glasses Ni 71.5 Cr 6.8 Fe 2.7 B 11.9 Si 7.1 and Ni 63.4 Cr 7.4 Fe 4.3 Mn …

The microstructure and properties of a new Fe41Ni39P10Si5B5 glass forming alloy

K Ziewiec, K Bryła, A Ziewiec, K Prusik - Archives of Materials Science and …, 2008 -
Purpose: The aim of the work was to investigate the microstructure, thermal stability and
some mechanical properties of a new Fe41Ni39P10Si5B5 glass forming alloy …

Influence of the chemical composition of rapidly quenched amorphous alloys (Ni, Fe, Cr)-B-Si on its crystallization process

G Elmanov, P Dzhumaev, E Ivanitskaya… - IOP Conference …, 2016 -
This paper presents results of research of the structure and phase transformations during the
multistage crystallization of the metallic glasses with the compositions Ni 71, 5 Cr 6, 8 Fe 2, 7 …

[PDF][PDF] Structural changes of Ni-base metallic glasses during thermal activation

T Poloczek, S Griner… - Archives of Materials …, 2008 -
Purpose: The paper presents a crystallization process of Ni68. 7Cr6. 6Fe2. 65Si7. 8B14C0.
25 metallic glasses. The Ni68. 7Cr6. 6Fe2. 65Si7. 8B14C0. 25 metallic glasses was …

[PDF][PDF] Influence of thermal activation on changes of mechanical properties and tensile fracture morphology surface of Ni-base metallic glasses

S Griner, T Poloczek… - Archives of Materials …, 2010 -
Purpose: The paper presents a structural relaxation and crystallization process of Ni68.
7Cr6. 6Fe2. 65Si7. 8B14C0. 25 metallic glasses. The Ni68. 7Cr6. 6Fe2. 65Si7. 8B14C0. 25 …

Исследование структурно-фазовых превращений при кристаллизации аморфных сплавов Ni-(Cr, Fe, Si, B)

ГН Елманов, ЕА Иваницкая, ВИ Скрытный… - Цветные металлы, 2014 -
С использованием методик дифференциально-сканирующей калориметрии,
рентгеноструктурного анализа, электронной и атомно-силовой сканирующей …