Research trends of digital tourism: a bibliometric analysis
Purpose Discussions about digital tourism continue to increase among scholars as
Information Communication and Technology (ICT) infrastructure develops. Dynamic …
Information Communication and Technology (ICT) infrastructure develops. Dynamic …
Community-Based Local Wisdom Development: Strengthening Accounting and Production Management Skills “Batik Village New Normal Bogor”
F Andria, A Rahmi, M Sunarzi… - … of Research in …, 2022 -
Batik art which is an intangible cultural heritage native to Indonesia that can be developed
based on the potential of local wisdom in each region. This activity is aimed at increasing the …
based on the potential of local wisdom in each region. This activity is aimed at increasing the …
The Academic Triangle Implementation in Bogor New Normal Batik Village as a Collaborative Learning Center
The main objective of this study is build the new normal bogor batik village which is
integrated with collaborative learning, so as to create the academic triangle ecosystem. The …
integrated with collaborative learning, so as to create the academic triangle ecosystem. The …
Entropi Yöntemi ile turizm işletmeciliği uzaktan eğitim öğrencilerinin memnuniyet algılarının derecelendirilmesine yönelik bir araştırma
ŞA DEMİRDAĞ - Journal of Recreation and Tourism Research, 2020 -
Özet Eğitim, doğrudan ya da dolaylı olarak ülkelerin gelişmişlik düzeyi üzerinde oldukça
etkilidir. Faaliyet türü ne olursa olsun her sektörün başarısı yine eğitimden geçmektedir …
etkilidir. Faaliyet türü ne olursa olsun her sektörün başarısı yine eğitimden geçmektedir …
[PDF][PDF] Sentiment analysis using the support vector machine for community compliance representationin the Covid-19 pandemic period
The increase in positive cases of Covid-19 in Indonesia is still relatively high. The main
factor affecting the high number of positive cases of Covid-19 in Indonesia is the decreasing …
factor affecting the high number of positive cases of Covid-19 in Indonesia is the decreasing …
Tourism Business Sustainability Analysis in the Post-Pandemic Era: A Systematic Literature Review
Tourism is one of the areas that has undergone a recovery during the post-pandemic period.
However, numerous factors must be considered before this industry can recover from the …
However, numerous factors must be considered before this industry can recover from the …
[PDF][PDF] Promotion of the motif kujang design by A* algorithm application in the labyrinth education game
Kujang (Sundanesse cleaver) as one of the cultural heritages of the Sundanese people
(residents of West Java, Indonesia) has various attributes. These attributes can be used as a …
(residents of West Java, Indonesia) has various attributes. These attributes can be used as a …
[PDF][PDF] Plano de negócio para uma microempresa desafios pós-pandemia Business plan for a microenterprise post-pandemic challenges
NM de Matos Torre, MM Lago… - Brazilian Journal of …, 2022 -
RESUMO A crise que afetou o Brasil em consequência da pandemia relacionada ao Covid-
19, afetou todos os segmentos empresariais, atingindo muitos profissionais, resultando em …
19, afetou todos os segmentos empresariais, atingindo muitos profissionais, resultando em …
Response Behaviour of Edu-tourists to COVID-19: A Case of Edu-tourism Destination
AF Zahrae - 2021 -
The sudden closure by universities' campuses across the globe, amid the coronavirus
outbreak, brought out several adverse effects on the Edu-tourism, including boredom …
outbreak, brought out several adverse effects on the Edu-tourism, including boredom …
[HTML][HTML] Welcome Repository Universitas Pakuan Student's Achievments Unggul, Mandiri & Berkarakter
GNP Jaya, D Noor, S Setyaningsih, D Notosudjono… -
Background: Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the world. Leukemia is a type
of cancer that accounts for 31.5% of all cancers in children under the age of 15 in …
of cancer that accounts for 31.5% of all cancers in children under the age of 15 in …