Post-compression of femtosecond laser pulses using self-phase modulation: from kilowatts to petawatts in 40 years

EA Khazanov - Quantum Electronics, 2022 -
The pulse duration at the output of femtosecond lasers is usually close to the Fourier limit,
and can be shortened by increasing the spectral width. To this end, use is made of self …

11 fs, 1.5 PW laser with nonlinear pulse compression

V Ginzburg, I Yakovlev, A Kochetkov, A Kuzmin… - Optics express, 2021 -
The PEARL laser output pulse with a duration of 60-70 fs was compressed to 11 fs after
passing through a 5-mm thick silica plate and reflecting from two chirping mirrors with a total …

Millijoule few-cycle pulses from staged compression for strong and high field science

M Stanfield, NF Beier, S Hakimi, H Allison… - Optics …, 2021 -
Intense few-cycle laser pulses have a breadth of applications in high energy density
science, including particle acceleration and x-ray generation. Multi-amplifier laser system …

Компрессия фемтосекундных лазерных импульсов с помощью фазовой самомодуляции: за 40 лет от киловатт до петаватт

ЕА Хазанов - Квантовая электроника, 2022 -
Длительность импульса на выходе фемтосекундных лазеров обычно близка к фурье-
пределу, и для его укорочения необходимо увеличить ширину спектра. Для этого при …

Post-compression of high-energy, sub-picosecond laser pulses

PG Bleotu, J Wheeler, SY Mironov… - High Power Laser …, 2023 -
The post-compression technique based on self-phase modulation of high-energy pulses
leads to an increase in achievable peak power and intensity. Typically, the pulses …

Spectral broadening for multi-Joule pulse compression in the APOLLON Long Focal Area facility

PG Bleotu, J Wheeler, D Papadopoulos… - High Power Laser …, 2022 -
Spectral-broadening of the APOLLON PW-class laser pulses using a thin-film compression
technique within the long-focal-area interaction chamber of the APOLLON laser facility is …

Spatiotemporal coupling investigations for Ti: sapphire-based multi-PW lasers

JP Zou, H Coïc, D Papadopoulos - High Power Laser Science and …, 2022 -
Emerging multi-PW-class lasers and their envisioned laser–plasma interaction applications
in unprecedented intensity regimes set a very demanding frame for the precise …

Compression of high-power laser pulses using only multiple ultrathin plane plates

SY Mironov, JA Wheeler, EA Khazanov, GA Mourou - Optics Letters, 2021 -
A proposal for additional temporal compression and peak power enhancement of intense (>
TW/cm^ 2) femtosecond laser pulses using two thin plane-parallel plates is presented. The …

Multiscale study of high energy attosecond pulse interaction with matter and application to proton–Boron fusion

X Ribeyre, R Capdessus, J Wheeler, E d'Humières… - Scientific Reports, 2022 -
For several decades, the interest of the scientific community in aneutronic fusion reactions
such as proton–Boron fusion has grown because of potential applications in different fields …

Improving laser standards for three-photon microscopy

DM Farinella, A Roy, CJ Liu, P Kara - Neurophotonics, 2021 -
Significance: Three-photon excitation microscopy has double-to-triple the penetration depth
in biological tissue over two-photon imaging and thus has the potential to revolutionize the …