Life Cycle Analysis with Multi-Criteria Decision Making: A review of approaches for the sustainability evaluation of renewable energy technologies

V Campos-Guzmán, MS García-Cáscales… - … and Sustainable Energy …, 2019 - Elsevier
Sustainability is a concept that integrates at least three dimensions: environmental,
economic and social. Energy systems are usually evaluated as a key contributor for …

Converting waste cooking oil to biodiesel in China: environmental impacts and economic feasibility

Y Zhao, C Wang, L Zhang, Y Chang, Y Hao - Renewable and Sustainable …, 2021 - Elsevier
The sustainability of producing biodiesel from waste cooking oil (WCO) needs to be
thoroughly examined since it is a promising multiple-advantage solution to strengthening …

Production of solid biofuels from organic waste in developing countries: A review from sustainability and economic feasibility perspectives

LS Angulo-Mosquera, AA Alvarado-Alvarado… - Science of the Total …, 2021 - Elsevier
The current increase in the world population and its energy demand promotes the study and
implementation of cleaner energy forms since the traditional energy recovery systems are …

Environmental burdens of the comprehensive utilization of straw: Wheat straw utilization from a life-cycle perspective

M Sun, X Xu, C Wang, Y Bai, C Fu, L Zhang… - Journal of Cleaner …, 2020 - Elsevier
Agricultural straw utilization has become a big concern in many countries with abundance of
the production. While different comprehensive utilization methods have been proposed, the …

Assessing the environmental externalities for biomass-and coal-fired electricity generation in China: A supply chain perspective

C Wang, L Zhang, P Zhou, Y Chang, D Zhou… - Journal of …, 2019 - Elsevier
Biomass power in China is usually regarded as less economically competitive than coal
power, partially because the external costs of power generation technologies' effects on …

The life-cycle energy and environmental emissions of a typical offshore wind farm in China

J Yang, Y Chang, L Zhang, Y Hao, Q Yan… - Journal of Cleaner …, 2018 - Elsevier
China's vast untapped offshore wind energy and the concentration of electricity consumers
in coastal regions make offshore wind power a promising solution to the country's cleaner …

Life cycle assessment of biomass pellets: a review of methodological choices and results

M Martin-Gamboa, P Marques, F Freire, L Arroja… - … and Sustainable Energy …, 2020 - Elsevier
The use of biomass pellets as fuel is emerging as a suitable alternative to fossil resources
for mitigating climate change. A considerable number of articles have applied Life Cycle …

Forest management and climate change mitigation: A review on carbon cycle flow models for the sustainability of resources

LJR Nunes, CIR Meireles, CJ Pinto Gomes… - Sustainability, 2019 -
With climate change being a certainty, which today is probably the biggest challenge
humanity is facing, and also accepting that greenhouse gas emissions are the main cause …

The energy value and economic efficiency of solid biofuels produced from digestate and sawdust

W Czekała, S Bartnikowska, J Dach, D Janczak… - Energy, 2018 - Elsevier
Primary energy sources have limited deposits and their exploitation has a negative impact
on the environment. Biofuels production is an efficient and profitable method of …

The social, economic, and environmental implications of biomass ethanol production in China: A multi-regional input-output-based hybrid LCA model

C Wang, A Malik, Y Wang, Y Chang, M Lenzen… - Journal of Cleaner …, 2020 - Elsevier
As an alternative to conventional liquid fuels, bioethanol holds the promise of transitioning to
a clean and low-carbon energy future. China's bioethanol industry is at its nascent stage. In …