Temperature and heat learning through SSCS model with scaffolding: Impact on students' critical thinking ability

A Saregar, İ Irwandani, A Abdurrahman… - Journal for the …, 2018 - dergipark.org.tr
Lately, the industrial revolution 4.0 has become an important issue in all countries, including
Indonesia. Indonesia responds quickly to this issue, especially in the field of education. The …

Kemampuan pemecahan masalah dalam fisika dengan pembelajaran generatif berbantuan scaffolding dan advance organizer

PD Amanah, A Harjono… - Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika …, 2017 - jurnalfkip.unram.ac.id
Generative learning has an advantage in the process of receiving new knowledge, so that
learners need a medium in understanding a phenomenon that occurs. This research can …

[PDF][PDF] Penggunaan multimedia interaktif (MMI) sebagai media pembelajaran dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar fisika

A Rahmawati - PSEJ (Pancasakti Science Education …, 2019 - scienceedujournal.org
The purpose of this study was to determine the use of interactive multimedia as a learning
medium in improving physics learning achievement. This type of research is an …

Pengaruh model pembelajaran advance organizer menggunakan video pembelajaran terhadap hasil belajar fisika peserta didik kelas XI

N Hamdanillah, A Harjono… - Jurnal pendidikan fisika …, 2017 - jurnalfkip.unram.ac.id
This research is aimed to identify the effect of advance organizer learning model through
video learning towards physics learning outcome of second grade students MIA SMAN 2 …

Scaffolding dalam pembelajaran fisika berbasis problem based instruction (PBL): efeknya terhadap pemahaman konsep dan self efficacy

R Diani, H Khotimah, U Khasanah… - … Journal of Science …, 2019 - ejournal.radenintan.ac.id
In physics learning a learning is needed which in addition to increasing understanding of
concepts can also improve students' self-efficacy, one by one using the PBL model with …

Pengaruh model pembelajaran ekspositori berbantuan scaffolding dan advance organizer terhadap hasil belajar fisika peserta didik kelas X

AS Hasbiyalloh, A Harjono… - … Pendidikan Fisika dan …, 2017 - jurnalfkip.unram.ac.id
This research aimed to examine the effect of expository learning model scaffolding assisted
and advance organizer toward physics learning outcome the students of class X. This is a …

[PDF][PDF] Reading concept map-think pair share (remap-TPS) learning model on cognitive ability and scientific attitude

A Jatmiko, Y Kartina, I Irwandani, J Fakhri… - Jurnal Keguruan Dan …, 2018 - academia.edu
The recent integration of learning models in the learning process has become the focus of
science education experts, especially in Indonesia, such as the adoption of the Reading …

Efektivitas Model RMS (Reading, Mind Mapping and Sharing) Terhadap Concept Mapping Skill Peserta Didik

R Diani, ON Julia, M Rahayu - Indonesian Journal of …, 2018 - ejournal.radenintan.ac.id
The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of physics learning by using the
model of learning RMS (Reading, Mind Mapping and Sharing) to the comcept mapping skill …

Pengaruh model pembelajaran (CC) berbasis scaffolding terhadap kemampuan scientific reasoning fisika siswa SMA

DTU Azmi, S Astutik, S Subiki - JPPS (Jurnal Penelitian …, 2020 - journal.unesa.ac.id
Tujuan dari penelitian yang dilakukan yaitu untuk mengkaji pengaruh model pembelajaran
(CC) berbasis scaffolding terhadap kemampuan scientific reasoning fisika siswa SMA …

[PDF][PDF] Peningkatan Pemahaman Materi Kuantisasi Besaran Fisis Pada Calon Guru Fisika Menggunakan Metode Diskusi Kelas dan Scaffolding

UA Deta - Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika Al-Biruni, 2017 - scholar.archive.org
Kuantisasi besaran fisis merupakan materi penting dalam Fisika kuantum. Topiknya
merupakan jembatan dan titik awal revolusi pemikiran Fisis dikenalnya Fisika Kuantum …