Pembangunan Aplikasi Transaksi Menu Di Kedai XYZ Kopi Menggunakan QR-Code Dan One Time Password Berbasis E-Wallet

FM Kurnia, I Afrianto - Matrix: Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Dan …, 2020 -
Proses pembayaran menggunakan uang elektronik adalah metode pembayaran non tunai
berbasis E-Wallet yang bertujuan mempermudah pengguna dalam bertransaksi. Proses …

[PDF][PDF] Sistem Informasi Rental Kamera Berbasis Website (Studi Kasus: Iframe Rental)

RS Kharisma, BY Pamungkas - Sistemasi: Jurnal Sistem Informasi, 2020 -
Sistem informasi rental kamera adalah sistem yang digunakan untuk memasukkan data
transaksi peminjaman kamera ke dalam basis data, sehingga tidak ada kesalahan ketika …

[PDF][PDF] Smart library management system using QR code

A Singh - 2019 -
The importance of this project lies in the technological development of libraries. Even with
digitized information, libraries remain to be the primary source of information for thousands …

Sistem Informasi Rental Kamera Berbasis Web (Studi Kasus Sc Studio)

L Apriyanti, MF Siregar… - Jurnal Teknologi …, 2022 -
Sistem informasi rental kamera adalah sistem yang digunakan untuk memasukkan data
transaksi peminjaman kamera ke dalam basis data, sehingga meminimalkan kesalahan …

[PDF][PDF] Development of Qr Code-Based Character Education Teaching Materials

E Solihatin, KYS Putri, JL Siang… - Review of …, 2021 -
The purpose of this research is to produce QR Code-based character education teaching
materials. The method used is Research and Development with the model Dick and Carey's …

Enhancing the Efficiency of Customer Data Search in Pamsimas Using QR Code Technology

WR Pratama, Y Purwati… - INOVTEK Polbeng-Seri …, 2024 -
Pamsimas is a government program aimed at providing clean water access for rural
communities, including Desa Melung, which manages these services through BUMDes …

[PDF][PDF] The application of qr code technology to create the value-added products for the baan klong peek neur beehive community enterprise group at tambon …

B Srinounpan, C Srinounpan, P Sumethokul… - Systematic Reviews in …, 2020 -
This research is aiming to study the acceptance factors of QR Code technology in brand
communication for the Baan Klong Peek Neur Beehive community enterprise group. The …


IK Gunawan - JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri), 2024 -
Dengan pesatnya perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi, setiap perpustakaan
dituntut untuk berbenah diri guna mengikuti perkembangan tersebut. Kegiatan pengabdian …

Reduction of Losses and Wastage in Seafoods: The Role of Smart Tools and Biosensors Based on Artificial Intelligence

CA Larbı, SA Osei - Journal of AI -
This paper reviews current knowledge on the role of smart tools and biosensors based on
artificial intelligence in reducing seafood loss and wastage. This study shows that a variety …

Development of teaching materials rights and responsibilities of citizens based on QR code

E Solihatin, JL Siang, OC Wuwung, RI Syarifain… - … : Theory and Practice, 2023 -
Practical teaching development support teaching and learning activities is important. The
teaching support can be in QR Code-based teaching materials form. This research aims to …