[图书][B] Differential equations on measures and functional spaces

V Kolokoltsov - 2019 - Springer
This is an advanced text on ordinary differential equations (ODEs) in Banach and more
general locally convex spaces, most notably ODEs on measures and various function …

First exit time analysis of stochastic gradient descent under heavy-tailed gradient noise

TH Nguyen, U Simsekli… - Advances in neural …, 2019 - proceedings.neurips.cc
Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) has been widely used in machine learning due to its
computational efficiency and favorable generalization properties. Recently, it has been …

Strong convergence of the Euler–Maruyama approximation for a class of Lévy-driven SDEs

F Kühn, RL Schilling - Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 2019 - Elsevier
Consider the following stochastic differential equation (SDE) d X t= b (t, X t−) d t+ d L t, X 0=
x, driven by a d-dimensional Lévy process (L t) t≥ 0. We establish conditions on the Lévy …

Heat kernel of supercritical nonlocal operators with unbounded drifts

S Menozzi, X Zhang - Journal de l'École polytechnique …, 2022 - numdam.org
Let α∈(0, 2) and d∈ N. Consider the following stochastic differential equation (SDE) in Rd:
dXt= b (t, Xt) dt+ a (t, Xt−) dL(α) t, X0= x, where L (α) is a d-dimensional rotationally invariant …

Strong existence and uniqueness for stable stochastic differential equations with distributional drift

S Athreya, O Butkovsky, L Mytnik - The Annals of Probability, 2020 - JSTOR
We consider the stochastic differential equation dXt= b (Xt) dt+ dLt, where the drift b is a
generalized function and L is a symmetric one dimensional α-stable Lévy processes, α∈(1 …

Strong rate of convergence of the Euler scheme for SDEs with irregular drift driven by Levy noise

O Butkovsky, K Dareiotis, M Gerencsér - arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.12926, 2022 - arxiv.org
We study the strong rate of convergence of the Euler--Maruyama scheme for a
multidimensional stochastic differential equation (SDE) $$ dX_t= b (X_t) dt+ dL_t, $$ with …

Heat kernel of anisotropic nonlocal operators

K Bogdan, P Sztonyk, V Knopova - Documenta Mathematica, 2020 - ems.press
Heat Kernel of Anisotropic Nonlocal Operators Page 1 Documenta Math. 1 Heat Kernel of
Anisotropic Nonlocal Operators Krzysztof Bogdan, Pawe l Sztonyk, and Victoria Knopova …

[HTML][HTML] Heat kernels of non-symmetric Lévy-type operators

T Grzywny, K Szczypkowski - Journal of Differential Equations, 2019 - Elsevier
We construct the fundamental solution (the heat kernel) p κ to the equation∂ t= L κ, where
under certain assumptions the operator L κ takes one of the following forms, L κ f (x):=∫ R d …

Supercritical SDEs driven by multiplicative stable-like Lévy processes

ZQ Chen, X Zhang, G Zhao - Transactions of the American Mathematical …, 2021 - ams.org
In this paper, we study the following time-dependent stochastic differential equation (SDE) in
$\mathbb {R}^ d $:\begin {equation*}\mathrm {d} X_ {t}=\sigma (t, X_ {t-})\mathrm {d} Z_t+ b (t …

Construction and heat kernel estimates of general stable-like Markov processes

V Knopova, A Kulik, R Schilling - arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.08491, 2020 - arxiv.org
A stable-like process is a Feller process $(X_t) _ {t\geq 0} $ taking values in $\mathbb {R}^ d
$ and whose generator behaves, locally, like an $\alpha $-stable L\'evy process, but the …