Interacting topological insulators: a review

S Rachel - Reports on Progress in Physics, 2018 -
The discovery of the quantum spin Hall effect and topological insulators more than a decade
ago has revolutionized modern condensed matter physics. Today, the field of topological …

Time-reversal-invariant topological superconductivity in one and two dimensions

A Haim, Y Oreg - Physics Reports, 2019 - Elsevier
A topological superconductor is characterized by having a pairing gap in the bulk and
gapless self-hermitian Majorana modes at its boundary. In one dimension, these are zero …

Quantum spin liquids bootstrapped from Ising criticality in Rydberg arrays

K Slagle, Y Liu, D Aasen, H Pichler, RSK Mong… - Physical Review B, 2022 - APS
Arrays of Rydberg atoms constitute a highly tunable, strongly interacting venue for the
pursuit of exotic states of matter. We develop a strategy for accessing a family of …

Topological Floquet phases in driven coupled Rashba nanowires

J Klinovaja, P Stano, D Loss - Physical review letters, 2016 - APS
We consider periodically driven arrays of weakly coupled wires with conduction and valence
bands of Rashba type and study the resulting Floquet states. This nonequilibrium system …

Coupled-wire construction of chiral spin liquids

T Meng, T Neupert, M Greiter, R Thomale - Physical Review B, 2015 - APS
We develop a coupled-wire construction of chiral spin liquids. The starting points are
individual wires of electrons in the Mott regime that are subject to a Zeeman field and …

Fractional topological superconductivity and parafermion corner states

K Laubscher, D Loss, J Klinovaja - Physical Review Research, 2019 - APS
We consider a system of weakly coupled Rashba nanowires in the strong spin-orbit
interaction (SOI) regime. The nanowires are arranged into two tunnel-coupled layers …

Chiral spin liquids in arrays of spin chains

G Gorohovsky, RG Pereira, E Sela - Physical Review B, 2015 - APS
We describe a coupled-chain construction for chiral spin liquids in two-dimensional spin
systems. Starting from a one-dimensional zigzag spin chain and imposing SU (2) symmetry …

Fractional topological insulators: From sliding Luttinger liquids to Chern-Simons theory

RA Santos, CW Huang, Y Gefen, DB Gutman - Physical Review B, 2015 - APS
The sliding Luttinger liquid approach is applied to study fractional topological insulators
(FTIs). We show that a FTI is the low energy fixed point of the theory for realistic spin-orbit …

Fractional charge and spin states in topological insulator constrictions

J Klinovaja, D Loss - Physical Review B, 2015 - APS
We theoretically investigate the properties of two-dimensional topological insulator
constrictions both in the integer and fractional regimes. In the presence of a perpendicular …

Wire constructions of Abelian topological phases in three or more dimensions

T Iadecola, T Neupert, C Chamon, C Mudry - Physical Review B, 2016 - APS
Coupled-wire constructions have proven to be useful tools to characterize Abelian and non-
Abelian topological states of matter in two spatial dimensions. In many cases, their success …