Interacting topological insulators: a review
S Rachel - Reports on Progress in Physics, 2018 -
The discovery of the quantum spin Hall effect and topological insulators more than a decade
ago has revolutionized modern condensed matter physics. Today, the field of topological …
ago has revolutionized modern condensed matter physics. Today, the field of topological …
Time-reversal-invariant topological superconductivity in one and two dimensions
A topological superconductor is characterized by having a pairing gap in the bulk and
gapless self-hermitian Majorana modes at its boundary. In one dimension, these are zero …
gapless self-hermitian Majorana modes at its boundary. In one dimension, these are zero …
Quantum spin liquids bootstrapped from Ising criticality in Rydberg arrays
Arrays of Rydberg atoms constitute a highly tunable, strongly interacting venue for the
pursuit of exotic states of matter. We develop a strategy for accessing a family of …
pursuit of exotic states of matter. We develop a strategy for accessing a family of …
Topological Floquet phases in driven coupled Rashba nanowires
We consider periodically driven arrays of weakly coupled wires with conduction and valence
bands of Rashba type and study the resulting Floquet states. This nonequilibrium system …
bands of Rashba type and study the resulting Floquet states. This nonequilibrium system …
Coupled-wire construction of chiral spin liquids
We develop a coupled-wire construction of chiral spin liquids. The starting points are
individual wires of electrons in the Mott regime that are subject to a Zeeman field and …
individual wires of electrons in the Mott regime that are subject to a Zeeman field and …
Fractional topological superconductivity and parafermion corner states
K Laubscher, D Loss, J Klinovaja - Physical Review Research, 2019 - APS
We consider a system of weakly coupled Rashba nanowires in the strong spin-orbit
interaction (SOI) regime. The nanowires are arranged into two tunnel-coupled layers …
interaction (SOI) regime. The nanowires are arranged into two tunnel-coupled layers …
Chiral spin liquids in arrays of spin chains
G Gorohovsky, RG Pereira, E Sela - Physical Review B, 2015 - APS
We describe a coupled-chain construction for chiral spin liquids in two-dimensional spin
systems. Starting from a one-dimensional zigzag spin chain and imposing SU (2) symmetry …
systems. Starting from a one-dimensional zigzag spin chain and imposing SU (2) symmetry …
Fractional topological insulators: From sliding Luttinger liquids to Chern-Simons theory
The sliding Luttinger liquid approach is applied to study fractional topological insulators
(FTIs). We show that a FTI is the low energy fixed point of the theory for realistic spin-orbit …
(FTIs). We show that a FTI is the low energy fixed point of the theory for realistic spin-orbit …
Fractional charge and spin states in topological insulator constrictions
J Klinovaja, D Loss - Physical Review B, 2015 - APS
We theoretically investigate the properties of two-dimensional topological insulator
constrictions both in the integer and fractional regimes. In the presence of a perpendicular …
constrictions both in the integer and fractional regimes. In the presence of a perpendicular …
Wire constructions of Abelian topological phases in three or more dimensions
Coupled-wire constructions have proven to be useful tools to characterize Abelian and non-
Abelian topological states of matter in two spatial dimensions. In many cases, their success …
Abelian topological states of matter in two spatial dimensions. In many cases, their success …