[图书][B] Cellular neural networks and visual computing: foundations and applications

LO Chua, T Roska - 2002 - books.google.com
Cellular Nonlinear/neural Network (CNN) technology is both a revolutionary concept and an
experimentally proven new computing paradigm. Analogic cellular computers based on …

[图书][B] Cellular neural networks: chaos, complexity and VLSI processing

G Manganaro, P Arena, L Fortuna - 2012 - books.google.com
The field of cellular neural networks (CNNs) is of growing importance in non linear circuits
and systems and it is maturing to the point of becoming a new area of study in general …

[图书][B] Cellular neural networks, multi-scroll chaos and synchronization

JAK Suykens, J Vandewalle - 2005 - books.google.com
For engineering applications that are based on nonlinear phenomena, novel information
processing systems require new methodologies and design principles. This perspective is …

Pattern formation properties of autonomous cellular neural networks

P Thiran, KR Crounse, LO Chua… - IEEE Transactions on …, 1995 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
We use the Cellular Neural Network (CNN) to study the pattern formation properties of large
scale spatially distributed systems. We have found that the Cellular Neural Network can …

Stability of cellular neural networks and delayed cellular neural networks with nonpositive templates and nonmonotonic output functions

M Gilli - IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I …, 1994 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this paper the problem of the stability of Cellular Neural Networks (CNN's) and Delayed
Cellular Neural Networks (DCNN's) is addressed by means of Lyapunov functions …

[图书][B] A practical guide for studying Chua's circuits

R Kiliç - 2010 - books.google.com
Autonomous and nonautonomous Chua's circuits are of special significance in the study of
chaotic system modeling, chaos-based science and engineering applications. Since …

On the complete stability of nonsymmetric cellular neural networks

N Takahashi, LO Chua - … Transactions on Circuits and Systems I …, 1998 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper gives a new sufficient condition for complete stability of a nonsymmetric cellular
neural network (CNN). The convergence theorem of the Gauss-Seidel method, which is an …

Equilibrium analysis of non‐symmetric CNNs

S Arik, V Tavsanoglu - International journal of circuit theory and …, 1996 - Wiley Online Library
Two useful results concerning the equilibrium analysis of non‐symmetric cellular neural
networks (CNNs) are presented. First a new sufficient condition ensuring the existence of a …

On stability of cellular neural networks

P Paolo-Civalleri, M Gilli - Journal of VLSI signal processing systems for …, 1999 - Springer
The main results about stability of cellular neural networks (CNNs) are reviewed. Some of
them are extended and reformulated, with the purpose of providing to the CNN designer …

On the dynamic behaviour of two‐cell cellular neural networks

PP Civalleri, M Gilli - International journal of circuit theory and …, 1993 - Wiley Online Library
A complete study of non‐linear differential equations describing two‐cell cellular neural
networks (CNNs) is presented. the stability properties are investigated and the domains of …