Crossing cultural boundaries using the internet: Toward building a model of swift trust formation in global virtual teams

N Zakaria, SAM Yusof - Journal of International Management, 2020 - Elsevier
This study employs a qualitative research method to advance understanding of the process
of swift trust formation in global virtual teams (GVTs), which rely heavily on the Internet for …

Employee psychological well-being and job performance: exploring mediating and moderating mechanisms

YM Kundi, M Aboramadan, EMI Elhamalawi… - International Journal of …, 2020 -
Purpose Given the importance of employee psychological well-being to job performance,
this study aims to investigate the mediating role of affective commitment between …

COVID-19 and mandatory teleworking from home in Japan: Taking stock to improve satisfaction and job performance

R Magnier-Watanabe, C Benton, P Orsini… - International Journal of …, 2023 -
Purpose This exploratory paper aims to examine attitudes and practices with regard to the
COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the effects of mandatory teleworking from home in the wake …

Organizational virtuousness, subjective well-being, and job performance: Comparing employees in France and Japan

R Magnier-Watanabe, T Uchida, P Orsini… - Asia-Pacific journal of …, 2020 -
Purpose Past research has convincingly shown that higher employee subjective well-being,
or happiness, is a source of higher job performance and retention. This paper therefore …

Configuration of organisational justice and social capital: their impact on satisfaction and commitment

HK Tjahjono, O Fachrunnisa… - International Journal of …, 2019 -
This study argues that the limited information of individuals in responding to organisational
policies forces them to evaluate justice subjectively. Referring to social identity theory, this …

Effect of work-life balance, job demand, job insecurity on employee performance at PT Jaya Lautan Global with employee well-being as a mediation variable

C Kurnia, AMN Widigdo - European Journal of Business and …, 2021 -
Employee performance remains a challenge for companies because of the increasingly
competitive level of competition. Organizations are increasingly required to focus on Human …

[PDF][PDF] Cross-cultural evidence of the relationship between subjective well-being and job performance: A meta-analysis

JF Salgado, S Moscoso - Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las …, 2022 -
This meta-analysis examined the differences across countries/regions, and the moderator
effects of the study type (crosssectional vs. longitudinal) on the SWB-job performance …

[PDF][PDF] The effect of affective organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and employee engagement on job happiness and job performance on manufacturing …

U Kustiawan, P Marpaung, UD Lestari… - … on Business and …, 2022 -
This study examines the effect of affective organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and
employee engagement on job happiness and employees' performance in a manufacturing …

[PDF][PDF] Meta-analytic examination of a suppressor effect on subjective well-being and job performance relationship

S Moscoso, JF Salgado - Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las …, 2021 -
This paper presents a meta-analytic study of the relationship between overall subjective well-
being (SWB), cognitive SWB, affective SWB, and job performance ratings. The study …

A thorough examination of organizations from an ethical viewpoint: A bibliometric and content analysis of organizational virtuousness studies

R Goyal, H Sharma, A Sharma - Business Ethics, the …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
The study comprehensively reviews previous research work in the domain of 'Organizational
Virtuousness'(OV) using bibliometric and content analysis. It aims to provide insights into …