[图书][B] Metric spaces of non-positive curvature
MR Bridson, A Haefliger - 2013 - books.google.com
The purpose of this book is to describe the global properties of complete simply connected
spaces that are non-positively curved in the sense of AD Alexandrov and to examine the …
spaces that are non-positively curved in the sense of AD Alexandrov and to examine the …
[图书][B] Lectures on spaces of nonpositive curvature
W Ballmann - 1995 - books.google.com
Singular spaces with upper curvature bounds and, in particular, spaces of nonpositive
curvature, have been of interest in many fields, including geometric (and combinatorial) …
curvature, have been of interest in many fields, including geometric (and combinatorial) …
Graphs of some CAT (0) complexes
V Chepoi - Advances in Applied Mathematics, 2000 - Elsevier
In this note, we characterize the graphs (1-skeletons) of some piecewise Euclidean
simplicial and cubical complexes having nonpositive curvature in the sense of Gromov's …
simplicial and cubical complexes having nonpositive curvature in the sense of Gromov's …
The K (π, 1)-problem for hyperplane complements associated to infinite reflection groups
R Charney, MW Davis - Journal of the American Mathematical Society, 1995 - JSTOR
We begin by recalling some well-known facts. The natural action of the symmetric group Sn
on Rncan be viewed as a group generated by reflections. The reflections in Sn are the …
on Rncan be viewed as a group generated by reflections. The reflections in Sn are the …
[图书][B] Harmonic maps between Riemannian polyhedra
J Eells, B Fuglede - 2001 - books.google.com
Harmonic maps between smooth Riemannian manifolds play a ubiquitous role in differential
geometry. Examples include geodesics viewed as maps, minimal surfaces, holomorphic …
geometry. Examples include geodesics viewed as maps, minimal surfaces, holomorphic …
[图书][B] Simplicité de groupes d'automorphismes d'espaces à courbure négative
F Haglund, F Paulin - 1998 - msp.org
We prove that numerous negatively curved simply connected locally compact polyhedral
complexes, admitting a discrete cocompact group of automorphisms, have automorphism …
complexes, admitting a discrete cocompact group of automorphisms, have automorphism …
Simplicial nonpositive curvature
T Januszkiewicz, J Świątkowski - … Mathématiques de l'Institut des Hautes …, 2006 - Springer
We introduce a family of conditions on a simplicial complex that we call local k-largeness
(k≥ 6 is an integer). They are simply stated, combinatorial and easily checkable. One of our …
(k≥ 6 is an integer). They are simply stated, combinatorial and easily checkable. One of our …
Buildings are CAT (0)
MW Davis - Geometry and cohomology in group theory (Durham …, 1994 - books.google.com
Given a finitely generated Coxeter group W, I described, in [D, Section 14], a certain
contractible simplicial complex, here denoted| W|, on which W acts properly with compact …
contractible simplicial complex, here denoted| W|, on which W acts properly with compact …
The Euler characteristic of a nonpositively curved, piecewise Euclidean manifold
R Charney, M Davis - Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 1995 - msp.org
A conjecture of H. Hopf states that if M 2 n is a closed, Riemannian manifold of nonpositive
sectional curvature, then its Euler characteristic, χ (M 2 n), should satisfy (− 1) n χ (M 2 n)≥ …
sectional curvature, then its Euler characteristic, χ (M 2 n), should satisfy (− 1) n χ (M 2 n)≥ …
[图书][B] An invitation to Alexandrov geometry: CAT (0) spaces
S Alexander, V Kapovitch, A Petrunin - 2019 - Springer
This short monograph arose as an offshoot of the book on Alexandrov geometry we have
been writing for a number of years. The notes were shaped in a number of lectures given by …
been writing for a number of years. The notes were shaped in a number of lectures given by …