Harmful design in the metaverse and how to mitigate it: A case study of user-generated virtual worlds on roblox

Y Kou, X Gui - Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Designing Interactive …, 2023 - dl.acm.org
Metaverse platforms such as Roblox have become increasingly popular and profitable
through a business model that relies on their end users to create and interact with user …

Responsive, mobile app, mobile first: untangling the UX design web in practical experience

C Mullins - Proceedings of the 33rd Annual International …, 2015 - dl.acm.org
This experience report describes some recent experiences in user interface design for
responsive websites, native mobile applications, and mobile-first designs for a corporation …

Impact of UX internships on human-computer interaction graduate students: a qualitative analysis of internship reports

J Kang, A Girouard - ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE …, 2022 - dl.acm.org
Objectives. Internships can bring a host of professional and academic benefits to students.
Then, how do User Experience (UX) internships influence Human-Computer Interaction …

Preparing future UX professionals: Human skills, technical skills, and dispositions

EJ Rose, C Putnam, CM MacDonald - Proceedings of the 38th ACM …, 2020 - dl.acm.org
The field of user experience (UX) is growing and rapidly evolving. As instructors who teach
in and help design UX programs for students in higher education, we are interested in …

Affordances for Sense-Making: Exploring their availability for users of online news sites

D Kiesow, S Zhou, L Guo - Digital journalism, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Each medium of news delivery has a unique set of attributes that facilitate or impede
consumption and learning. In this article, we examine what affordances of digital news sites …

What do we teach when we say we teach UX? A study of the practices of TPC instructors

HN Turner, EJ Rose - Programmatic …, 2022 - programmaticperspectives.cptsc.org
Although programs in TPC are well positioned to prepare students for careers in user
experience (UX), teaching UX can be challenging due to its breadth and complexity. Despite …

The State of UX Pedagogy

PB Gallagher, G Getto - IEEE Transactions on Professional …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Research problem: A considerable amount of scholarship has amassed over the last 20
years regarding the teaching of user experience (UX) design, but there has been no …

Usability and UX practices in small enterprises: lessons from a survey of the Brazilian context

A de Lima Salgado, LA Amaral, AP Freire… - Proceedings of the 34th …, 2016 - dl.acm.org
The role of small and medium enterprises (SME), especially small businesses, has
significantly increased in the developing of interactive applications. Given the relevance of …

Modelling user experience: Integrating user experience research into design education

G Töre-Yargın, S Süner, A Günay - … Conferences Interfaces and …, 2018 - research.utwente.nl
The last two decades have given a new lease of life to the interpretation of users'
interactions with products in human-computer interaction (HCI) and design domains. As a …

Mapping use, storytelling, and experience design: User-network tracking as a component of usability and sustainability

JA Bacha - Journal of Business and Technical …, 2018 - journals.sagepub.com
Framed around three different antenarratives about system development, this article builds
on established user-centered theories to present a mixed-method approach to user …