Power and limits of distributed computing shared memory models

M Herlihy, S Rajsbaum, M Raynal - Theoretical Computer Science, 2013 - Elsevier
What can and cannot be computed in a distributed system is a complex function of the
system's communication model, timing model, and failure model. Considering a canonical …

[PDF][PDF] Distributed universal constructions: a guided tour

M Raynal - Bulletin of EATCS, 2017 - eatcs.org
The notion of a universal construction is central in computing science: the wheel has not to
be reinvented for each new problem. In the context of n-process asynchronous distributed …

Fast local-spin abortable mutual exclusion with bounded space

H Lee - International Conference On Principles Of Distributed …, 2010 - Springer
Abortable mutual exclusion is a variant of mutual exclusion, where processes are allowed to
abort their invocations while waiting to enter the critical section. In this paper, we present an …

The computational structure of progress conditions

G Taubenfeld - … Computing: 24th International Symposium, DISC 2010 …, 2010 - Springer
Understanding the effect of different progress conditions on the computability of distributed
systems is an important and exciting research direction. For a system with n processes, we …

Turning adversaries into friends: Simplified, made constructive, and extended

E Gafni, P Kuznetsov - … Conference On Principles Of Distributed Systems, 2010 - Springer
A liveness contract is an agreement between the specifier of a system and a task to solve,
and the programmer who makes her living by delivering protocols. In a shared-memory …

Easy impossibility proofs for k-set agreement in message passing systems

M Biely, P Robinson, U Schmid - Proceedings of the 30th annual ACM …, 2011 - dl.acm.org
We study distributed algorithms that solve agreement problems, namely, k-set agreement.
Their purpose is to compute and irrevocably set the output yp of process p to some decision …

Anonymity in distributed read/write systems: an introductory survey

M Raynal, J Cao - International Conference on Networked Systems, 2018 - Springer
This paper is an algorithmic introduction to anonymity in asynchronous systems where
processes communicate by reading and writing atomic read/write registers. Two types of …

[图书][B] Algorithms for concurrent systems

R Guerraoui, P Kuznetsov - 2018 - perso.telecom-paristech.fr
In 1926, Gilbert Keith Chesterton published a novel “The Return of Don Quixote” that
reflected the advancing industrialization of the Western world, where mass production …

[PDF][PDF] Understanding Non-Uniform Failure Models.

P Kuznetsov - Bull. EATCS, 2012 - researchgate.net
Traditionally, models of fault-tolerant distributed computing assume that failures are
“uniform”: processes are equally probable to fail and a failure of one process does not affect …

Safety-liveness exclusion in distributed computing

V Bushkov, R Guerraoui - Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Symposium on …, 2015 - dl.acm.org
The history of distributed computing is full of trade-offs between safety and liveness. For
instance, one of the most celebrated results in the field, namely the impossibility of …