Digital circuit design challenges and opportunities in the era of nanoscale CMOS

BH Calhoun, Y Cao, X Li, K Mai… - Proceedings of the …, 2008 -
Well-designed circuits are one key ldquoinsulatingrdquo layer between the increasingly
unruly behavior of scaled complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor devices and the …

A survey of architectural techniques for managing process variation

S Mittal - ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 2016 -
Process variation—deviation in parameters from their nominal specifications—threatens to
slow down and even pause technological scaling, and mitigation of it is the way to continue …

McPAT: An integrated power, area, and timing modeling framework for multicore and manycore architectures

S Li, JH Ahn, RD Strong, JB Brockman… - Proceedings of the …, 2009 -
This paper introduces McPAT, an integrated power, area, and timing modeling framework
that supports comprehensive design space exploration for multicore and manycore …

The future of microprocessors

S Borkar, AA Chien - Communications of the ACM, 2011 -
The future of microprocessors Page 1 MAy 2011 | vOl. 54 | nO. 5 | CommunICatIons of the aCm
67 MICroProCessors—sInGLe-ChIP CoMPUters—are the building blocks of the information …

Near-threshold computing: Reclaiming moore's law through energy efficient integrated circuits

RG Dreslinski, M Wieckowski, D Blaauw… - Proceedings of the …, 2010 -
Power has become the primary design constraint for chip designers today. While Moore's
law continues to provide additional transistors, power budgets have begun to prohibit those …

A robust and energy-efficient classifier using brain-inspired hyperdimensional computing

A Rahimi, P Kanerva, JM Rabaey - … on low power electronics and design, 2016 -
The mathematical properties of high-dimensional (HD) spaces show remarkable agreement
with behaviors controlled by the brain. Computing with HD vectors, referred to as" …

Designing reliable systems from unreliable components: the challenges of transistor variability and degradation

S Borkar - Ieee Micro, 2005 -
As technology scales, variability in transistor performance continues to increase, making
transistors less and less reliable. This creates several challenges in building reliable …

Thousand core chips: a technology perspective

S Borkar - Proceedings of the 44th annual design automation …, 2007 -
This paper presents the many-core architecture, with hundreds to thousands of small cores,
to deliver unprecedented compute performance in an affordable power envelope. We …

Use ECP, not ECC, for hard failures in resistive memories

S Schechter, GH Loh, K Strauss, D Burger - ACM SIGARCH Computer …, 2010 -
As leakage and other charge storage limitations begin to impair the scalability of DRAM, non-
volatile resistive memories are being developed as a potential replacement. Unfortunately …

Hardware Trojan detection by multiple-parameter side-channel analysis

S Narasimhan, D Du, RS Chakraborty… - IEEE Transactions …, 2012 -
Hardware Trojan attack in the form of malicious modification of a design has emerged as a
major security threat. Sidechannel analysis has been investigated as an alternative to …