Complexity framework for forbidden subgraphs I: The framework
For any particular class of graphs, algorithms for computational problems restricted to the
class often rely on structural properties that depend on the specific problem at hand. This …
class often rely on structural properties that depend on the specific problem at hand. This …
Linear time algorithms for happy vertex coloring problems for trees
Given an undirected graph G=(V, E) with| V|= n and a vertex coloring, a vertex v is happy if v
and all its neighbors have the same color. An edge is happy if its end vertices have the same …
and all its neighbors have the same color. An edge is happy if its end vertices have the same …
Close relatives of feedback vertex set without single-exponential algorithms parameterized by treewidth
The Cut & Count technique and the rank-based approach have lead to single-exponential
FPT algorithms parameterized by treewidth, that is, running in time $2^{O (tw)} n^{O (1)} …
FPT algorithms parameterized by treewidth, that is, running in time $2^{O (tw)} n^{O (1)} …
Subexponential Parameterized Algorithms for Cut and Cycle Hitting Problems on H-Minor-Free Graphs
We design the first subexponential-time (parameterized) algorithms for several cut and cycle-
hitting problems on H-minor free graphs. In particular, we obtain the following results (where …
hitting problems on H-minor free graphs. In particular, we obtain the following results (where …
Temporal separators with deadlines
HA Harutyunyan, K Koupayi, D Pankratov - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2023 -
We study temporal analogues of the Unrestricted Vertex Separator problem from the static
world. An $(s, z) $-temporal separator is a set of vertices whose removal disconnects vertex …
world. An $(s, z) $-temporal separator is a set of vertices whose removal disconnects vertex …
[HTML][HTML] Improved parameterized and exact algorithms for cut problems on trees
We study the Multicut on Trees and the Generalized Multiway Cut on Trees problems. For
the Multicut on Trees problem, we present a parameterized algorithm that runs in time O⁎(ρ …
the Multicut on Trees problem, we present a parameterized algorithm that runs in time O⁎(ρ …
Algorithms for cut problems on trees
We study the multicut on trees and the generalized multiway cut on trees problems. For the
multicut on trees problem, we present a parameterized algorithm that runs in time O^*(ρ^ k) …
multicut on trees problem, we present a parameterized algorithm that runs in time O^*(ρ^ k) …
Separation and Cover Problems in Temporal Graph
K Koupayi - 2020 -
A graph that changes with time is called a temporal graph. In this work, we focus on temporal
graphs whose vertex sets are fixed while edge sets change in discrete time steps. We use n …
graphs whose vertex sets are fixed while edge sets change in discrete time steps. We use n …
[PDF][PDF] Parameterized Algorithms for Graph Partitioning Problems
AS Kare - 2018 -
Graph theory has played an important role in solving many real world computational
problems. Mathematicians and computer scientists formulate many of these computational …
problems. Mathematicians and computer scientists formulate many of these computational …