Penerapan model pembelajaran RADEC terhadap peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa

Y Yulianti, H Lestari, I Rahmawati - Jurnal Cakrawala Pendas, 2022 -
Berpikir kritis merupakan salah satu keterampilan abad 21 yang perlu dikuasai oleh siswa
agar dapat menghadapi berbagai permasalahan personal maupun sosial dalam …

Gender analysis in measurement materials: Critical thinking ability and science processing skills

D Darmaji, A Astalini… - … Pendidikan Fisika Al …, 2022 -
This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship and difference between science
process skills and students' critical thinking skills based on gender. This type of research is …

The impact of online mentoring in implementing radec learning to the elementary school teachers' competence in training students' critical thinking skills: A case study …

H Lestari, W Sopandi, US Sa'ud… - Jurnal Pendidikan …, 2021 -
This study aims to describe the impact of online mentoring activities in implementing the
RADEC (Read, Answer, Discuss, Explain, and Create) learning model on the competence of …

Flipbook based on problem-based learning: Its development to bolster student critical thinking skills

EK Yomaki, JH Nunaki, J Jeni, SDI Mergwar… - AIP Conference …, 2023 -
This research aimed to develop a flipbook based on problem-based learning (PBL) to
bolster student critical thinking (CT) skills. This research follows the development path of the …


A Wiratman, AM Ajiegoena… - Pendas: Jurnal Ilmiah …, 2023 -
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis pengaruh pembelajaran berbasis keterampilan
proses sains terhadap keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini …

The effect of learning biophysics with stem approach on science process skills and critical thinking: Field study on application of na-aogs for increasing soybean …

D Rosana, N Kadarisman, A Purwanto… - Jurnal Pendidikan IPA …, 2021 -
Efforts to fulfill food security to anticipate population growth in Indonesia need to be
supported by universities through research and community service. The application of the …

Applying stem engineering design process through designing and making of electrostatic painting equipment in two rural schools in Vietnam

XQ Duong, NH Nguyen, MT Nguyen… - Jurnal Pendidikan IPA …, 2022 -
STEM education has been emphasized in Vietnam's new National Education Curriculum to
develop students' capacity and prepare for the modern labor market. However, there are …

[PDF][PDF] The Use of Mathematics Comics to Develop Logical-Mathematical Intelligence for Junior High School Students.

R Johar, Y Safitri, CM Zubainur… - European Journal of …, 2023 -
Logical-mathematical intelligence is highly needed to ease students' understanding of
mathematics concepts. Therefore, it is necessary to delivery an innovative teaching …

The Relationship between Scientific Process Skills and Science Achievement: A Meta-Analysis Study.

S Dolapcioglu, M Subasi - Journal of Science Learning, 2022 - ERIC
One of the main challenges in science education is interpreting existing studies to improve
scientific process skills. The main purpose of this study is to bring together the quantitative …

The Influence of Use of Problem-Based Learning E-Book Materials of Optical Equipment on Improving Students' Critical Thinking Ability

D Paramitha, ZK Prasetyo, J Jumadi… - Jurnal Penelitian …, 2023 -
This study intends to ascertain whether problem-based learning e-books for optical devices
can improve students' critical thinking skills. Quasy experiment approach one group pretest …