[HTML][HTML] Post mortem mapping of connectional anatomy for the validation of diffusion MRI
Diffusion MRI (dMRI) is a unique tool for the study of brain circuitry, as it allows us to image
both the macroscopic trajectories and the microstructural properties of axon bundles in vivo …
both the macroscopic trajectories and the microstructural properties of axon bundles in vivo …
Tractography dissection variability: What happens when 42 groups dissect 14 white matter bundles on the same dataset?
White matter bundle segmentation using diffusion MRI fiber tractography has become the
method of choice to identify white matter fiber pathways in vivo in human brains. However …
method of choice to identify white matter fiber pathways in vivo in human brains. However …
Prevalence of white matter pathways coming into a single white matter voxel orientation: The bottleneck issue in tractography
Characterizing and understanding the limitations of diffusion MRI fiber tractography is a
prerequisite for methodological advances and innovations which will allow these techniques …
prerequisite for methodological advances and innovations which will allow these techniques …
[HTML][HTML] Diffusion MRI and anatomic tracing in the same brain reveal common failure modes of tractography
Anatomic tracing is recognized as a critical source of knowledge on brain circuitry that can
be used to assess the accuracy of diffusion MRI (dMRI) tractography. However, most prior …
be used to assess the accuracy of diffusion MRI (dMRI) tractography. However, most prior …
A critical review of connectome validation studies
T Sarwar, K Ramamohanarao… - NMR in Biomedicine, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Diffusion MRI tractography is the most widely used macroscale method for mapping
connectomes in vivo. However, tractography is prone to various errors and biases, and thus …
connectomes in vivo. However, tractography is prone to various errors and biases, and thus …
Brain connections derived from diffusion MRI tractography can be highly anatomically accurate—if we know where white matter pathways start, where they end, and …
MR Tractography, which is based on MRI measures of water diffusivity, is currently the only
method available for noninvasive reconstruction of fiber pathways in the brain. However, it …
method available for noninvasive reconstruction of fiber pathways in the brain. However, it …
[HTML][HTML] On the cortical connectivity in the macaque brain: A comparison of diffusion tractography and histological tracing data
Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) tractography is a non-invasive
tool to probe neural connections and the structure of the white matter. It has been applied …
tool to probe neural connections and the structure of the white matter. It has been applied …
Improving EEG-based driver distraction classification using brain connectivity estimators
This paper discusses a novel approach to an EEG (electroencephalogram)-based driver
distraction classification by using brain connectivity estimators as features. Ten healthy …
distraction classification by using brain connectivity estimators as features. Ten healthy …
[HTML][HTML] Insights from the IronTract challenge: Optimal methods for mapping brain pathways from multi-shell diffusion MRI
Limitations in the accuracy of brain pathways reconstructed by diffusion MRI (dMRI)
tractography have received considerable attention. While the technical advances …
tractography have received considerable attention. While the technical advances …
[HTML][HTML] Towards reliable reconstruction of the mouse brain corticothalamic connectivity using diffusion MRI
Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) tractography has yielded intriguing insights
into brain circuits and their relationship to behavior in response to gene mutations or …
into brain circuits and their relationship to behavior in response to gene mutations or …