Hubungan filsafat dengan ilmu pengetahuan dan relevansinya di era revolusi industri 4.0 (Society 5.0)
MR Fadli - Jurnal Filsafat, 2021 -
Philosophy and science are human efforts in understanding the concepts and methods of a
scientific discipline. The changing times and developments have ushered the philosophy of …
scientific discipline. The changing times and developments have ushered the philosophy of …
Differentiated learning integrated with social emotional awareness and digital learning media in improving the students motivation and learning outcomes
This learning is designed to facilitate the individual learning needs of different learners by
integrating social and emotional awareness. The purpose of this research to improving the …
integrating social and emotional awareness. The purpose of this research to improving the …
Anti-Mainstream Culinary: The Influence of Post-Modernism on Gastronomy in Indonesian Restaurants
The culinary movement is currently undergoing interesting developments: initially, food was
a basic requirement for energy and the food consumed was usually processed from nature …
a basic requirement for energy and the food consumed was usually processed from nature …
Peranan Filsafat Ilmu Untuk Kemajuan Perkembangan Ilmu Pengetahuan Di-Era Revolusi Industri 5.0
RE Putra, W Trisnawati - Jurnal Tunas Pendidikan, 2022 -
This study reviews aspects of the philosophy of science that focuses on aspects of the
development of science in the era of the industrial revolution 5.0. The study used a …
development of science in the era of the industrial revolution 5.0. The study used a …
Tinjauan Teologis Terhadap Postmodernisme Dan Implikasinya Bagi Iman Kristen
MN Supriadi - Manna Rafflesia, 2020 -
Times have changed, from pre-modern to modern, and now into postmodern times. The
postmodern era is also followed by philosophical thinking from postmodernism. These …
postmodern era is also followed by philosophical thinking from postmodernism. These …
Kawin Cerai di Era Post Modernisme; Studi Kasus Klien Ambu Consulting and Healing Center
EN Hopipah, A Rosadi - Al-'Adalah: Jurnal Syariah dan Hukum …, 2023 -
The phenomenon of divorce at an early age of marriage continues to increase from year to
year, so that it has become commonplace in this post-modern era. The phenomenon of high …
year, so that it has become commonplace in this post-modern era. The phenomenon of high …
Urgensi filsafat pendidikan dan hubungannya terhadap pengembangan kurikulum 2013
S Almuzani - Pensa, 2021 -
This article is discussing The philosophy of urgency education and its relationship to the
development of the 2013 curriculum, in which the 2013 curriculum was based on several …
development of the 2013 curriculum, in which the 2013 curriculum was based on several …
[PDF][PDF] Analisis Filsafat Pendidikan Perenialisme dan Peranannya dalam Pendidikan Sejarah
SD Putri - HISTORIA: Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Sejarah, 2021 -
Filsafat pendidikan perenialisme berarti tumbuh sejalan dengan waktu dan bersifat abadi.
Pandangan dari filsafat ini adalah mempercayai nilai-nilai serta moral yang berkembang di …
Pandangan dari filsafat ini adalah mempercayai nilai-nilai serta moral yang berkembang di …
Manajemen kearsipan tenaga kependidikan dalam meningkatkan layanan administrasi di sma majalaya putra kabupaten bandung
L Gustina, AT Hidayat - Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia …, 2021 -
The background to this research is that in this day and age, information is an absolute
necessity for every agency, both government and private agencies. Information is also …
necessity for every agency, both government and private agencies. Information is also …