Hubungan filsafat dengan ilmu pengetahuan dan relevansinya di era revolusi industri 4.0 (Society 5.0)

MR Fadli - Jurnal Filsafat, 2021 -
Philosophy and science are human efforts in understanding the concepts and methods of a
scientific discipline. The changing times and developments have ushered the philosophy of …

Differentiated learning integrated with social emotional awareness and digital learning media in improving the students motivation and learning outcomes

S Amalia, S Safrida, SM Ulva - Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 2024 -
This learning is designed to facilitate the individual learning needs of different learners by
integrating social and emotional awareness. The purpose of this research to improving the …

Anti-Mainstream Culinary: The Influence of Post-Modernism on Gastronomy in Indonesian Restaurants

T Widari, A Aliffiati, LR Rahman, M Indra - IAS Journal of Localities, 2024 -
The culinary movement is currently undergoing interesting developments: initially, food was
a basic requirement for energy and the food consumed was usually processed from nature …

Peranan Filsafat Ilmu Untuk Kemajuan Perkembangan Ilmu Pengetahuan Di-Era Revolusi Industri 5.0

RE Putra, W Trisnawati - Jurnal Tunas Pendidikan, 2022 -
This study reviews aspects of the philosophy of science that focuses on aspects of the
development of science in the era of the industrial revolution 5.0. The study used a …

Tinjauan Teologis Terhadap Postmodernisme Dan Implikasinya Bagi Iman Kristen

MN Supriadi - Manna Rafflesia, 2020 -
Times have changed, from pre-modern to modern, and now into postmodern times. The
postmodern era is also followed by philosophical thinking from postmodernism. These …

Kawin Cerai di Era Post Modernisme; Studi Kasus Klien Ambu Consulting and Healing Center

EN Hopipah, A Rosadi - Al-'Adalah: Jurnal Syariah dan Hukum …, 2023 -
The phenomenon of divorce at an early age of marriage continues to increase from year to
year, so that it has become commonplace in this post-modern era. The phenomenon of high …

Urgensi filsafat pendidikan dan hubungannya terhadap pengembangan kurikulum 2013

S Almuzani - Pensa, 2021 -
This article is discussing The philosophy of urgency education and its relationship to the
development of the 2013 curriculum, in which the 2013 curriculum was based on several …

Media, kebenaran, dan post-truth

CM Taufik, N Suryana - 2022 -
Penafsir kebenaran kini tidak lagi tunggal, namun terbagi ke dalam dua entitas besar. Yang
satu berpaham konvensional dan satunya lagi baru. Kedua entitas tersebut dapat …

[PDF][PDF] Analisis Filsafat Pendidikan Perenialisme dan Peranannya dalam Pendidikan Sejarah

SD Putri - HISTORIA: Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Sejarah, 2021 -
Filsafat pendidikan perenialisme berarti tumbuh sejalan dengan waktu dan bersifat abadi.
Pandangan dari filsafat ini adalah mempercayai nilai-nilai serta moral yang berkembang di …

Manajemen kearsipan tenaga kependidikan dalam meningkatkan layanan administrasi di sma majalaya putra kabupaten bandung

L Gustina, AT Hidayat - Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia …, 2021 -
The background to this research is that in this day and age, information is an absolute
necessity for every agency, both government and private agencies. Information is also …