Features in scientific and technical cooperation in the field of non-conventional renewable energy

V Babenko, V Sidorov, Y Koniaieva… - Global Journal of …, 2019 - gjesm.net
This article discusses the prospects for the development of the implementation of scientific
and technical cooperation. On the example of international cooperation between Ukraine …

Dynamics of forecasting the development of renewable energy technologies in Ukraine and Chile

VO Babenko, OV Rayevnyeva, D Zherlitsyn, O Dovgal… - 2020 - repository.hneu.edu.ua
The processes of transformation of the energy space, namely the impact of alternative
energy resources on it, are characterized by changes in the national economy in general …

Activities of international agroholdings in the world market of foreign investments: investigation of trends and factors of impact in сurrent financing conditions

V Babenko, V Sidorov, R Savin - Технологический аудит и …, 2018 - cyberleninka.ru
The activity of international agroholdings is considered as an object of research. Insufficient
formalization of cause-effect relationships on the basis of analytical dependencies …

Prospects for improving technology in non-conventional energy development

V Babenko, Y Koniaieva - The Journal of VN Karazin Kharkiv …, 2019 - periodicals.karazin.ua
This article discusses the prospects for the development of the implementation of scientific
and technical cooperation (STC). On the example of interstate cooperation between Ukraine …

Determining priorities of scientific and technical cooperation between Ukraine, the EU and Chile in the field of non-conventional renewable energy sources

YG Koniaieva, VA Babenko - Acta Innovations, 2019 - ceeol.com
As many programs of scientific and technical cooperation of various fields are being
successfully implemented between Ukraine and the EU, the author has set the goal of …

Methodological bases of estimating the efficiency of organizational and economic mechanism of regulatory policy in agriculture

N Shibaeva, T Baban, V Prokhorova, O Karlova… - Global Journal of …, 2019 - gjesm.net
Ukrainian agriculture creates 12-14% of GDP. Ensuring the conditions for sustainable
economic development implies the use of adequate mechanisms for regulating economic …

[PDF][PDF] Activity of agroholdings in the world market of agricultural products in the context of globalization

V Babenko, V Sidorov, R Savin - … університету імені ВН …, 2018 - irbis-nbuv.gov.ua
Common scientific methods are used: system analysis for to determine the peculiarities of
the development of the agro-industrial production in Ukraine; the regression analysis for …

Innovative development of the EU: strategic priorities of technological leader

E Dovgal - The Journal of VN Karazin Kharkiv National …, 2018 - periodicals.karazin.ua
The relevance of the study is due to the fact that оne of the countries of the European
economic system is Germany, which occupies a leading position in many indicators and in …

[PDF][PDF] Аналітична оцінка зовнішнього ринку України

ОІ Кущенко, ДМ Шкіря - Вісник Харківського національного …, 2019 - periodicals.karazin.ua
На початку третього тисячоліття в умовах прискореної глобалізації ключового значення
набула зовнішньоекономічна діяльність (ЗЕД), як один з важливих макроекономічних …

[PDF][PDF] Значення бізнес-плану для ефективного функціонування підприємств туристичної індустрії в умовах кризи. Вісник ХНУ імені ВН Каразіна. Серія « …

ГІ Гапоненко, ОВ Євтушенко… - Економіка …, 2020 - dspace.udpu.edu.ua
В наш час розвиток вітчизняного туристичного бізнесу здійснюється в умовах
економічної кризи, невизначеності і нестабільного життя суспільства. Така невизначена …