Core–mantle boundary heat flow
The Earth can be viewed as a massive heat engine, with various energy sources and sinks.
Insights into its evolution can be obtained by quantifying the various energy contributions in …
Insights into its evolution can be obtained by quantifying the various energy contributions in …
Structure and dynamics of Earth's lower mantle
EJ Garnero, AK McNamara - science, 2008 -
Processes within the lowest several hundred kilometers of Earth's rocky mantle play a critical
role in the evolution of the planet. Understanding Earth's lower mantle requires putting …
role in the evolution of the planet. Understanding Earth's lower mantle requires putting …
GyPSuM: A joint tomographic model of mantle density and seismic wave speeds
GyPSuM is a 3‐D model of mantle shear wave (S) speeds, compressional wave (P) speeds,
and density. The model is developed through simultaneous inversion of seismic body wave …
and density. The model is developed through simultaneous inversion of seismic body wave …
TX2019slab: A New P and S Tomography Model Incorporating Subducting Slabs
Large numbers of earthquakes occur in subduction zones that are marked by dipping,
narrow high seismic velocity slabs. The existence of these fast velocity slabs can cause …
narrow high seismic velocity slabs. The existence of these fast velocity slabs can cause …
Cluster analysis of global lower mantle tomography: A new class of structure and implications for chemical heterogeneity
Earth's lower mantle is dominated by a pair of antipodal large low shear velocity provinces
(LLSVPs) that reach> 1000km up from the core–mantle boundary (CMB). These are …
(LLSVPs) that reach> 1000km up from the core–mantle boundary (CMB). These are …
Tidal tomography constrains Earth's deep-mantle buoyancy
Earth's body tide—also known as the solid Earth tide, the displacement of the solid Earth's
surface caused by gravitational forces from the Moon and the Sun—is sensitive to the …
surface caused by gravitational forces from the Moon and the Sun—is sensitive to the …
2.16 Seismic anisotropy of the deep Earth from a mineral and rock physics perspective
D Mainprice - Treatise on geophysics, 2010 -
In this section the contribution of CPO to seismic anisotropy in the deep Earth with cases of
olivine and the role of melt is illustrated. The CPO in rocks of upper-mantle origin is now well …
olivine and the role of melt is illustrated. The CPO in rocks of upper-mantle origin is now well …
Reconciling dynamic and seismic models of Earth's lower mantle: The dominant role of thermal heterogeneity
Two large low-shear-velocity provinces (LLSVPs) in the deep mantle beneath Africa and the
Pacific are generally interpreted as hot but chemically dense 'piles', which have remained …
Pacific are generally interpreted as hot but chemically dense 'piles', which have remained …
SP12RTS: a degree-12 model of shear-and compressional-wave velocity for Earth's mantle
We present the new model SP12RTS of isotropic shear-wave (VS) and compressional-wave
(VP) velocity variations in the Earth's mantle. SP12RTS is derived using the same methods …
(VP) velocity variations in the Earth's mantle. SP12RTS is derived using the same methods …
First-principles constraints on diffusion in lower-mantle minerals and a weak D′′ layer
Post-perovskite MgSiO3 is believed to be present in the D′′ region of the Earth's
lowermost mantle,,,. Its existence has been used to explain a number of seismic …
lowermost mantle,,,. Its existence has been used to explain a number of seismic …