Factors affecting judicial system efficiency: a systematic mapping review with a focus on Italy

M Giancotti, G Rotundo, M Mauro - International Journal of …, 2024 - emerald.com
Purpose European justice systems are facing a dramatic performance crisis due to the
frequent inability to resolve cases without incurring unreasonable delays and backlogs. In …

The demand for civil justice in Germany: An empirical investigation

R Ippoliti, A Sanders - International Review of Applied Economics, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
The demand for civil justice in Germany has shrunk over the last decades, although we can
observe a high level of heterogeneity, with increasing and decreasing trends depending on …

Avaliação da regulação das custas forenses e sua correlação com o nível de judicialização: evidência das Justiças estaduais brasileiras no período de 2009 a 2018

DT Coelho - Revista Direito GV, 2023 - SciELO Brasil
Baseada na análise econômica do Direito, a teoria da litigância propõe um modelo teórico
em que são identificados os fatores que influenciam a tomada de decisão acerca do …

La evaluación de las políticas públicas: la administración de justicia

JS Mora-Sanguinetti - Papeles de Economía Española, 2022 - search.proquest.com
Este artículo analiza en primer lugar por qué es importante evaluar el funcionamiento del
sistema judicial. Así, recuerda que, además de ser esencial desde un punto de vista …

Do fee-shifting rules affect plaintiffs' win rates? A theoretical and empirical analysis

G Doménech-Pascual, M Martínez-Matute… - International Review of …, 2021 - Elsevier
This article studies whether fee-shifting rules can affect plaintiffs' win rates. Beyond
theoretical modeling, this study goes a step further and provides empirical evidence on this …

La litigación: externalidades e instrumentos para su racionalización. El caso español

JS Mora-Sanguinetti - ICE, Revista de Economía, 2020 - revistasice.com
La información estadística disponible pone de manifiesto la elevada carga de trabajo de los
órganos judiciales españoles. Además, el contexto recesivo impuesto por la pandemia del …

The Supply and Demand of Justice: What Policy Implications from the EU Justice Scoreboard?

A Dori - YSEC Yearbook of Socio-Economic Constitutions 2022 …, 2023 - Springer
What is the right price for adjudication? The influence of prices in determining access to
justice makes this question all the more problematic, as the free interaction between supply …

[PDF][PDF] The Decline in Commercial Court Cases in The Netherlands: 2001-2020

F van Dijk, W Hassink, D Requena, R Verkerk - rechtspraak.nl
As is depicted in Figure 11, administrative data from the judiciary show that the volume of
commercial lawsuits handled by the civil departments of the first instance courts has been …

Eu bibliography

A Čar - Croatian Yearbook of European Law & Policy, 2019 - hrcak.srce.hr
EU BIB LIOGRAPHY Page 1 301 CYELP 15 [2019] 301-439 EU BIB LIOGRAPHY Compiled by:
Aleksandra »ar, European Documentation Centre, Library of the Faculty of Law, University of …

[引用][C] La factura de la injusticia: Sistema judicial, economía y prosperidad en España

JS Mora-Sanguinetti - 2022 - Tecnos