[HTML][HTML] Actividad sexual temprana y embarazo en la adolescencia: estado del arte
LA Mendoza Tascón, DI Claros Benítez… - Revista chilena de …, 2016 - SciELO Chile
La actividad sexual temprana en la adolescencia, representa un problema de salud pública
por las consecuencias que conlleva, como el embarazo adolescente, el aumento de las …
por las consecuencias que conlleva, como el embarazo adolescente, el aumento de las …
Risk factors for early sexual intercourse in adolescence: A systematic review of cohort studies
This systematic review provides a comprehensive assessment of risk factors related to early
sexual intercourse (ESI) among adolescents. We used PRISMA guidelines to identify …
sexual intercourse (ESI) among adolescents. We used PRISMA guidelines to identify …
[图书][B] Мальчик-отец мужчины.
И Кон - 2014 - books.google.com
От чего зависят присущие или приписываемые мальчикам свойства? Всегда ли они
одинаковы? Каково реальное положение мальчика в современной семье, школе и …
одинаковы? Каково реальное положение мальчика в современной семье, школе и …
[HTML][HTML] Factores asociados al inicio de la actividad sexual en adolescentes de Tuluá, Colombia
YP Holguín, LA Mendoza, CM Esquivel… - Revista chilena de …, 2013 - SciELO Chile
Resumen HOLGUIN M, Yuri Paulin et al. Factores asociados al inicio de la actividad sexual
en adolescentes de Tuluá, Colombia. Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol.[online]. 2013, vol. 78, n. 3 …
en adolescentes de Tuluá, Colombia. Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol.[online]. 2013, vol. 78, n. 3 …
[图书][B] Jugendliche und ihre Peers: Freundschaftsbeziehungen und Bildungsbiografien in einer Längsschnittperspektive
HH Krüger, A Deinert, M Zschach - 2012 - books.google.com
Welche Rolle spielen Peers im Leben von Jugendlichen? Welchen Einfluss haben Freunde
und Freundinnen auf schulische Bildungskarrieren? Der Band präsentiert die Ergebnisse …
und Freundinnen auf schulische Bildungskarrieren? Der Band präsentiert die Ergebnisse …
Parenting and adolescents' sexual development in western societies
H de Graaf, I Vanwesenbeeck… - European …, 2011 - econtent.hogrefe.com
This review examines associations between parenting styles and the psychosexual
development of adolescents. Methods and results of empirical studies of associations …
development of adolescents. Methods and results of empirical studies of associations …
Children, youth, and mobile communication
R Ling - Journal of Children and Media, 2007 - Taylor & Francis
Teens are, perhaps the most consummate mobile telephone users. Teens have made text
messaging into a common form of interaction. They have learned how to coordinate and …
messaging into a common form of interaction. They have learned how to coordinate and …
Predicting early sexual activity with behavior problems exhibited at school entry and in early adolescence
Youth who initiate sexual intercourse in early adolescence (age 11–14) experience multiple
risks, including concurrent adjustment problems and unsafe sexual practices. The current …
risks, including concurrent adjustment problems and unsafe sexual practices. The current …
Rethinking timing of first sex and delinquency
KP Harden, J Mendle, JE Hill, E Turkheimer… - Journal of Youth and …, 2008 - Springer
The relation between timing of first sex and later delinquency was examined using a
genetically informed sample of 534 same-sex twin pairs from the National Longitudinal …
genetically informed sample of 534 same-sex twin pairs from the National Longitudinal …
Early life conditions, reproductive and sexuality-related life history outcomes among human males: A systematic review and meta-analysis
In order to investigate the association between early life conditions and reproductive and
sexuality-related life history outcomes among men, we conducted a meta-analysis that …
sexuality-related life history outcomes among men, we conducted a meta-analysis that …