[HTML][HTML] Actividad sexual temprana y embarazo en la adolescencia: estado del arte

LA Mendoza Tascón, DI Claros Benítez… - Revista chilena de …, 2016 - SciELO Chile
La actividad sexual temprana en la adolescencia, representa un problema de salud pública
por las consecuencias que conlleva, como el embarazo adolescente, el aumento de las …

Risk factors for early sexual intercourse in adolescence: A systematic review of cohort studies

LF Reis, PJ Surkan, K Atkins, R Garcia-Cerde… - Child Psychiatry & …, 2023 - Springer
This systematic review provides a comprehensive assessment of risk factors related to early
sexual intercourse (ESI) among adolescents. We used PRISMA guidelines to identify …

[图书][B] Мальчик-отец мужчины.

И Кон - 2014 - books.google.com
От чего зависят присущие или приписываемые мальчикам свойства? Всегда ли они
одинаковы? Каково реальное положение мальчика в современной семье, школе и …

[HTML][HTML] Factores asociados al inicio de la actividad sexual en adolescentes de Tuluá, Colombia

YP Holguín, LA Mendoza, CM Esquivel… - Revista chilena de …, 2013 - SciELO Chile
Resumen HOLGUIN M, Yuri Paulin et al. Factores asociados al inicio de la actividad sexual
en adolescentes de Tuluá, Colombia. Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol.[online]. 2013, vol. 78, n. 3 …

[图书][B] Jugendliche und ihre Peers: Freundschaftsbeziehungen und Bildungsbiografien in einer Längsschnittperspektive

HH Krüger, A Deinert, M Zschach - 2012 - books.google.com
Welche Rolle spielen Peers im Leben von Jugendlichen? Welchen Einfluss haben Freunde
und Freundinnen auf schulische Bildungskarrieren? Der Band präsentiert die Ergebnisse …

Parenting and adolescents' sexual development in western societies

H de Graaf, I Vanwesenbeeck… - European …, 2011 - econtent.hogrefe.com
This review examines associations between parenting styles and the psychosexual
development of adolescents. Methods and results of empirical studies of associations …

Children, youth, and mobile communication

R Ling - Journal of Children and Media, 2007 - Taylor & Francis
Teens are, perhaps the most consummate mobile telephone users. Teens have made text
messaging into a common form of interaction. They have learned how to coordinate and …

Predicting early sexual activity with behavior problems exhibited at school entry and in early adolescence

HLT Schofield, KL Bierman, B Heinrichs, RL Nix… - Journal of abnormal …, 2008 - Springer
Youth who initiate sexual intercourse in early adolescence (age 11–14) experience multiple
risks, including concurrent adjustment problems and unsafe sexual practices. The current …

Rethinking timing of first sex and delinquency

KP Harden, J Mendle, JE Hill, E Turkheimer… - Journal of Youth and …, 2008 - Springer
The relation between timing of first sex and later delinquency was examined using a
genetically informed sample of 534 same-sex twin pairs from the National Longitudinal …

Early life conditions, reproductive and sexuality-related life history outcomes among human males: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Y Xu, S Norton, Q Rahman - Evolution and Human Behavior, 2018 - Elsevier
In order to investigate the association between early life conditions and reproductive and
sexuality-related life history outcomes among men, we conducted a meta-analysis that …