Standards‐based metadata management for molecular simulations

R Grunzke, S Breuers, S Gesing… - Concurrency and …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
State‐of‐the‐art research in a variety of natural sciences depends heavily on methods of
computational chemistry, for example, the calculation of the properties of materials, proteins …

Quantum chemical meta‐workflows in MoSGrid

S Herres‐Pawlis, A Hoffmann, Á Balaskó… - Concurrency and …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Quantum chemical workflows can be built up within the science gateway Molecular
Simulation Grid. Complex workflows required by the end users are dissected into smaller …

Native structure-based modeling and simulation of biomolecular systems per mouse click

B Lutz, C Sinner, S Bozic, I Kondov, A Schug - BMC bioinformatics, 2014 - Springer
Background Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations provide valuable insight into
biomolecular systems at the atomic level. Notwithstanding the ever-increasing power of high …

Performance studies on distributed virtual screening

J Krüger, R Grunzke, S Herres-Pawlis… - BioMed Research …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Virtual high‐throughput screening (vHTS) is an invaluable method in modern drug
discovery. It permits screening large datasets or databases of chemical structures for those …

Meta-metaworkflows for combining quantum chemistry and molecular dynamics in the MoSGrid science gateway

S Herres-Pawlis, A Hoffmann… - 2014 6th …, 2014 -
MoSGrid (Molecular Simulation Grid) is a user-friendly and highly efficient science gateway
which contains three domains for the different methodologies used in chemistry: quantum …

An empirical study on maximum latency saving in web prefetching

B de la Ossa, J Sahuquillo, A Pont… - 2009 IEEE/WIC/ACM …, 2009 -
This paper presents an empirical study to investigate the maximum benefits that web users
can expect from prefetching techniques in the current web. To this end a perfect web …

User-friendly metaworkflows in quantum chemistry

S Herres-Pawlis, A Hoffmann, S Gesing… - 2013 IEEE …, 2013 -
The Science Gateway MoSGrid (Molecular Simulation Grid) allows to build up quantum
chemical metaworkflows. End users mostly request complex workflows which are dissected …

Towards generic metadata management in distributed science gateway infrastructures

R Grunzke, R Jäkel, WE Nagel… - 2014 14th IEEE/ACM …, 2014 -
Scientific data life cycles are becoming more and more demanding. Data amounts are seen
to be ever increasing while at the same time advanced IT infrastructures become more …

[PDF][PDF] de. NBI Cloud Storage Tübingen

B Gläßle, M Hanussek, F Bartusch, V Lutz… - bwHPC … -
The» German Network for Bioinformatics Infrastructure «, or in short» de. NBI «, is a national
research infrastructure providing bioinformatics services to users in life sciences research …

Integration of eSBMTools into the MoSGrid portal using the gUSE technology

S Bozic, J Krüger, C Sinner, B Lutz… - 2014 6th …, 2014 -
Native structure based models are a broadly used technique in bio molecular simulation
allowing understanding of complex processes in the living cell involving bio …